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Essay Instructions:
Topic: Historical Events and Early Pioneers The term clinical psychology was first used in print in 1907 by Lightner Witmer, who also founded the first psychological clinic in 1896. This was a shift in focus from studying psychology to practicing psychology (applying it to people's problems). Prior to this new focus, a movement toward better and more humane treatment of those with psychological problems was underway. In this discussion, you will describe the contributions of these early pioneers that paved the way for the development of the field or that contributed to the early beginnings of the field. For this discussion, choose one of the early pioneers discussed in Chapter 2 of the Pomerantz (2019) text (William Tuke, Phillipe Pinel, Eli Todd, Dorothea Dix, Lightner Witmer, Emil Kraepelin, Edward Thorndike, Alfred Binet, or Hermann Rorschach). Review the information about the individual you choose in the text. Then find one other scholarly source that gives additional detail about their work and contributions to the field. Based on information from both the text and your additional source, please discuss the following: Describe the contributions of this individual to the field of clinical psychology. Discuss any conflicts, social forces, or historical trends during the time of the individual's life and work that influenced their contributions to the field. Based on what you have learned, discuss how the work of this individual influenced the development of the field of clinical psychology. Material https://psychiatryonline(dot)org/dsm https://purdueuniversityglobal(dot)vitalsource(dot)com/reader/books/9781544333601/epubcfi/6/2[%3Bvnd.vst.idref%3Dcover]!/4/2[cover-image]/2%4037:0 https://research(dot)ebsco(dot)com/c/babias/viewer/pdf/liwddh547b?route=details
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Historical Events and Early Pioneers: Dorothea Dix Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Historical Events and Early Pioneers: Dorothea Dix Dorothea Dix is among the most prominent figures in the context of clinical psychology bearing the roles she played in transforming perceptions of mental health. Dix is a pioneer of clinical psychology after advocating for humane treatment for individuals with mental health issues. Before Dix’s intervention, people suffering from mental health illnesses were neglected and abused. Assessing Dorothea Dix’s contributions to clinical psychology is vital in outlining some of the historical events and pioneers who played a role in shaping the profession. Contributions to Clinical Psychology Dix’s principal contribution to clinical psychology was her advocacy for better treatment of individuals with mental health illnesses. Dix called for the government and other stakeholders in healthcare to establish state-run asylums that would offer better care for individuals suffering from various mental health conditions (Abrams, 2021...
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