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Essay Instructions:
Topic: Understanding Clinical Psychology You will discuss the scope of the field of clinical psychology, examining some of the career options in the field. You will conclude the discussion by applying what you have learned about career options to your own personal career goals. Begin by providing an overview of what is involved in this field. From the Landrum article in this week's reading, describe one bachelor's level position in psychology (note the article covered positions outside of psychology as well, but choose a psychology position for this discussion). From the APA article, choose one of the clinical psychologist profiles and describe their role. Based on what you have learned this week about clinical psychology, describe how one or both of the roles you described fits with your personal career goals. Be sure to tie in information from the reading that clearly shows how this role fits within the scope of clinical psychology. Reference https://psychclassics(dot)yorku(dot)ca/Witmer/clinical.htm https://www(dot)apa(dot)org/ed/precollege/psn/2018/01/bachelors-degree
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Understanding Clinical Psychology Student’s Name Institution Affiliation Course Name & Code Instructor’s Name Date Understanding Clinical Psychology Clinical psychology is a field that focuses on offering comprehensive and continuous behavioral and mental health for individuals, families, couples, and groups. This field applies research and practice to address varying cognitive and behavioral issues that people are often having. Some career options in clinical psychology include clinical psychologists, substance abuse counselors, psychiatrists, and child psychologists. These clinical psychologists can work in hospitals, mental health clinics, or academic institutions (Witmer, 1907). They usually apply varying therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT), to improve an individual's mental health and well-being. Landrum's article explains the different positions in psychology at the bachelor's level. One career option is the substance abuse counselor (Landrum, 2024). This role requ...
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