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Critical Review of the Ferguson Effect

Essay Instructions:



In 2014 a young African American man was killed in Ferguson, Missouri after an altercation with a local police officer. Ensuing violent protests, media scrutiny and activism by the fledgling Black Lives Matter group and others generated an opposition to police tactics that continues today. When crime rates in some areas rose, St. Louis Police Chief Dotson postulated that a “Ferguson Effect” whereby police officers may be reluctant to enforce the law in some situations may be a result of the scrutiny. The potential for such an effect has enormous implications for police leaders, policy and practice in law enforcement. This assignment requires you to compare two articles, read them, and discuss how they are related to the overall topic of law enforcement leadership and civil liberties. One article is part of the Learn section and each student will find another article on the same subject, using the Liberty University library resources. Please ensure your finished product reflects how the articles relate to the discipline of law enforcement. In addition to an introduction and conclusion, make sure to cover the following pertinent questions as you prepare your Critical Review: Ferguson Effect Assignment.


Article reviews enable you to practice thinking critically and to synthesize information.
• Do not quote from the article. Instead, summarize and paraphrase. For purposes of promoting originality, citations should be limited to about 1-2 per paragraph in most instances.
• Paragraphs should ideally consist of between 5-7 sentences each.
• Your review must be written in your words and include Biblical integration and at least three scholarly citations, one of which can be your textbook, in APA format.
• Acceptable sources are those scholarly articles that can be obtained using the Liberty University Library resources. These articles should be published within the past five years unless they are classic or seminal works.
• In addition to 5-7 pages of content, make sure to include a title and reference page. You do not need to produce an abstract for this assignment.
• Your paper should address the following questions: What is the article’s title and purpose? What are the authors’ theoretical assumptions? What are the major similarities and differences in the authors’ views? Do the articles advance the work in the field of law enforcement? Does your research indicate the need for improved leadership training in law enforcement? Do not simply answer the questions but incorporate your answers into the flow of the assignment.

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

You can use this article as one and choose another or choose any two articles that you would prefer.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Articles Critical Review
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Articles Critical Review
In the United States of America (USA), law enforcement agencies are facing a legitimacy crisis due to the Ferguson Effect. Recently, there has been a public outrage of law enforcers using excessive force, particularly minority groups. On 26th February 2012, Trayvon Martin was shot to death in Sanford, Florida, by Officer George Zimmerman. However, the breaking point of the officer-involved shooting (OIS) was encountered on 9th August 2014, when Officer Darren Wilson from Ferguson City Police Department shot Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Some witnesses claimed that the victim had already surrendered by raising his arms in the air, but the police officer fired and killed him without hesitation. These heinous incidents by law enforcers sparked public outrage and protest in different cities and global media coverage leading to the “Ferguson Effect.” By considering the Ferguson Effect, the paper compares two articles and discusses how they are related to the topic of law enforcement, civil liberties, and leadership.
“The Alleged “Ferguson Effect” and Police Willingness to Engage in Community Partnership” by Scott Wolfe and Justin Nix significantly contributes to the research topic. Indeed, it focuses on a cross-sectional survey involving 567 sheriffs in the southeastern metropolitan area in the USA (Wolfe & Nix, 2016). One of the primary objectives by researchers was to identify how the Ferguson Effect is linked to de-policing resulting in police officers’ decreased willingness to engage in community partnerships. Additionally, Wolfe and Nix wanted to know whether the Ferguson Effect accounts for the perceived self-legitimacy and organizational justice. The highly-publicized deaths involving police officers shooting unarmed members of the black community have tarnished the public trust of law enforcers.
The authors’ theoretical assumption is that the Ferguson Effect has contributed to the negative publicity of police officers. Law enforcers know that their actions are under public scrutiny and can be recorded by citizens while performing their duties. In that light, they are less willing to perform their duties to avoid the public accusation of excessive use of force or racial profiling (Wolfe & Nix, 2016). Another assumption is that the legitimacy of police officers has dwindled to the point that these individuals are unmotivated to engage in community policing. As a result, de-policing results in increased crime rates.
Joshua Adams’ “I Almost Quit:” Exploring the Prevalence of the Ferguson Effect in Two Small Sized Law Enforcement Agencies in Rural Southcentral Virginia” discusses the Ferguson Effect. The article’s primary purpose was to study police officers’ lived experiences and perceptions of the Ferguson Effect (Adams, 2019). In addition, it focuses on law enforcers’ perceptions of their leadership skills, civil liberties, and organizational justice. The researcher interviewed 9 law enforcers in southcentral Virginia. The main themes included steadfast leadership, rush to judgment, and racial division.
Police officers are expected to serve citizens. Nevertheless, if the public perceives law enforcers as oppressive, there is an increased demand for police officers' accountability, and the perceptions of law enforcers’ legitimacy are decreased. Specifically, the author’s theoretical assumption is that public trust and mutual cooperation are the foundation of the success of law enforcement agencies. The organizational justice theory asserts that equity and fairness are crucial aspects that determine police officers’ motivation to perform their duties (Adams, 2019). Adams uses the three primary aspects of the organizational justice concept: interactional, procedural, and distributive justice. Police officers are de-policing due to the negative media portrayal of their behaviors, such as the excessive force on African American males’ suspects. Consequently, the Ferguson Effect has significantly contributed to the public believing that justice is inequitably administered across distinctive communities and that the legitimacy of law enforcement needs to be questioned.
The two articles discussed above have similarities. First, they portray that the Ferguson Effect significantly contributed to public distrust and decreased the legitimacy of law enforcers. In other words, the negative media portrayal of police officers using excessive force and shooting innocent citizens is...
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