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Critical Aspects of Positive Psychology

Essay Instructions:

Task Description: 'Character strengths' are a key area in positive psychology, in which managers and employees can develop their self-awareness and skills for more positive individual and workplace outcomes, and greater resilience and flourishing. This project is designed to allow you to explore and engage with your own character strengths at a more in-depth level by developing both a theoretical and applied understanding of them, in the context of major disruption including the widespread bushfires in Australia and global COVID-19 outbreak.
Aim: The aim of this assignment is to promote self-reflection and mindfulness by identifying areas of personal strength and building positive self-perception. While it concentrates on your top 'character strengths', known as ‘signature strengths’, it should be recognised that ‘less ideal or not so positive’ moments are integral to developing a picture of one’s self and in building resilience. Hence, this assignment should not be viewed as the entire self-portrait, even though it is a critical component of self-esteem...
Your project will require you to complete two main tasks:
PART A: (50%) Write a critical review of the literature on positive psychology and strengths; and
PART B: (25%) Undertake structured reflective activities
PART C: (25%) Write up a summary reflection.
Using at least four journal articles or book chapters from reputable sources. You can start with the readings from Week 2, but you are expected to add to these including at least one article that applies a critique to the topics of positive psychology and character strengths.
Provide an overview of the theory of character strengths and how it is applied in positive psychology, referencing major theorists. Choose some key points to discuss using all the papers you have read. Compare and contrast the arguments and assumptions in the different articles and provide a critique. You must highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the theory.
Some examples of scholarly journals to look for your articles include (but are not limited to):
Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Journal of Managerial Psychology, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Applied Psychology, Journal of Business and Psychology, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Personnel Psychology, Australian Journal of Communication, Journal of International Business, Australian Journal of Psychology, Journal of Business Psychology, Positive Psychology Journal, Journal of Happiness Studies, etc.
Full-text articles are available via the University library databases, including Google Scholar. When referencing articles fromjournals, please make sure that you reference the original article and not the database URL where it is located!
**You can also find help in how to write a critical literature review (slides and presentation now posted) and some good references to get you started by going to Subject References under the Get Started Module.
B1: During week 2 you will complete the VIA Character Strengths Survey as part of your preparation for the tutorial. We will also discuss character strengths as core to the field of positive psychology.
B2: This will be followed by a week of structured reflections to kick off after the teaching week in Week 4: "Strengths Week Boot-Camp". You will be emailed daily activities across 5 days. At the end of each day copy and paste the completed tables of activities in to a word doc to be submitted as part of your appendix. You will also commence a daily gratitude journal from Week 4 classes until the last day of Strengths Week. More details will be provided in Canvas closer to the time. Download the Briefing Sheet here: Briefing Sheet_Strengths Week_Spring 2021.pdf Download Briefing Sheet_Strengths Week_Spring 2021.pdf
You will then complete a summary of your reflections: Discuss your internal reaction to the process, including how this process might have changed you, along with ideas about how you might further develop or leverage the strengths have been revealed through the process. Use the following questions to guide your reflection:
What did you learn about yourself and your signature strengths through this exercise? Describe at least one memorable moment.
What have you learnt about yourself in times of challenge?
Did your experiences resonate or conflict with anything you read in the literature (reviewed in Part A)?
How might this be put to use to you as a future manager?
What lessons about this topic do you think are critical for managers and employees to learn?
How can you use your signature strengths to help build a flourishing career?
Write up your assignment:
Cover Sheet - download and complete: 21929_Cover page_IND_Assign_Word_version.docx Download 21929_Cover page_IND_Assign_Word_version.docx
Part A: Critical Literature Review - (approx 1000 words)
Part B: Structured Reflection Activities - (Not included in the word count).
Tables of detailed Structured Reflection Activities - must be in Word or will not be marked.
Daily gratitude journal - screen shots accepted for gratitude journal or in Word doc
Your VIA Strengths Survey Results.
Part C: Reflection Summary - (approx 750 words)
References: (not included in the word count) At the end of your assignment, provide a reference list of your references according to APA 7 referencing conventions. You may refer to the library website for referencing guidelines and keep to the one referencing style!
Layout: Your report should be formatted for A4 paper size, with double-spaced text and 2.5 centimetre margins. The text should be in a 12-point Times New Roman font and left-aligned. Pages should be numbered, with the numbers appearing in the bottom right-hand corner of the pages.
Length: 1750 words +/- 10% (Excluding References and Appendices). Please provide the final word count on the cover sheet of your assignment.
Must be submitted in word. No other file types will be accepted.
you dont need to do part B

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Critical Aspects of Positive Psychology
Student’s Name:
Institutional Affiliation:
Course Name/Number:
Instructor’s Name:
Due Date:
Part A: Critical Literature Review
Over the past decade, character strength and mindfulness have gained the attention of industrial and organizational psychologists. The ever-growing interest in character strength and mindfulness and their impact on the performance and well-being of employees and managers have important implications for corporations and companies (Pang & Ruch, 2019). Mindfulness means to deliberately and purposefully pay attention to present events without being judgmental. On the other hand, character strengths refer to all the positive personality traits of an individual that are morally valued and often associated with a high-quality life. Character strength is considered a critical aspect in employee job performance, well-being, and health (Brown et al., 2018). Besides, character strength and mindfulness are positively associated with increased productivity, high levels of job satisfaction, and decreased turnover rates. Previous studies indicate that people’s character strengths should be nurtured and a positive mindset promoted to improve their performance at workplaces (Lyngdoh et al., 2019). This review examines the theory of character strengths its implications to positive psychology to nurture employees and increase organizational performance.
The pioneers of positive psychology, Csikszentmihalyi and Seligman proposed three tenets of positive psychology which include positive institutions, positive subjective experiences, and positive character traits (Donaldson et al., 2019; Gable & Haidt, 2005).Positive subjective experiences encompass pleasure, hope, flow, contentment, and well-being while positive character traits include wisdom, creativity, grit, and resilience. Positive institutions refer to societies, communities, and organizations that civic responsibility, accountability, and citizenship. Lastly, positive psychology interventions can be utilized by organizations to deliberately identify, broaden and develop employee character strengths at the workplace. Employee character strength can be nurtured and encouraged through job crafting interventions that actively engage staff members and simultaneously redesigning the job and workplace. Positive psychology also involves identifying an individual’s pattern of thinking and behavior to promote optimal functioning and well-being at the workplace. Character strength interventions are a powerful tool that can be utilized by transformational leaders to improve productivity and job satisfaction.
The positive psychology movement has made considerable contributions to the study of human virtues and character strength. The movement has also laid a firm foundation for a positive individual trait, experiences, and institution. Studies conducted by Donald et al (2019) reveal that the primary aim of positive psychology interventions is to improve critical workplace outcomes, for instance, reduced job stress, increased employee motivation, high levels of job satisfaction, and enhanced work engagement. Since the inception of positive psychology, the discipline has profoundly impacted many areas of studies such as neuroscience, healthcare, economics, and education. Managers in various fields and employment setups have increasingly adopted positive psychology to strengthen the character strength and mindfulness of their employees to improve workplace outcomes. Additionally, organizational leaders should focus on the components of their employees’ components of psychological capital. The psychological capital of employees consists of positive attributions of one’s future (optimism), self-efficacy and confidence in individual capabilities, resilience, and hope. Positive psychology focuses on strengths instead of weaknesses and optimism but not pessimism (Spreitzer & Cameron, 2012)Psychological capital interventions improve employee character strength and consequently the organizational citizenship behaviors, engagement, and job performance.
Organizational change is a critical aspect of every organization that intends to achieve sustainable growth and development. Umut and Alsan (2019) examine positive psychology in the context of organizational change. Unlike previous researchers, the duo has a unique approach to employee character strength and its impact on organizational change. The findings of their research demonstrated that positive psychology has important implications for organizational change. Organizational leaders can encourage employees to pursue more positive experiences that may propel organizational change in a desirable direction. Nurturing employee strength is useful in making meaningful decisions and building and maintaining long-term relationships at workplaces. Sustainable positivity within the organization stimulates future change and encourages both managers and employees to take appropriate actions by utilizing their character strengths. Organizations should assess the impacts of positive psychology and character strength on various contexts of organizational change. Additionally, they should focus on eliminating emotional experiences that may lead to negative organizational change and promote a positive character that would propel the organization to success. Specific contexts need to be analyzed to improve organizational outcomes and practical implications of positive psychology to change.
Mindfulness, virtues, and character strength are highly interconnected and complementary. According to Littman-Ovadia et al (2021), the study of character strength and virtues and their implications to positive psychology has been accompanied by organizational benefits such as personal grown, employee well-being, optimal performance, and personal resourcefulness. The most useful virtues in an organization include justice, courage, temperance, humanity, and transcendence (Fineman, 2006). However, the findings of Donaldson et al. (2019) show that the virtue of wisdom and knowledge is associated with character strengths such as perspective love of learning, judgment, openness, curiosity, and creativity. Openness to learning and creativity among employees encourages innovation. Organizational leaders are expected to nurture creative employees through training and development to improve their faculties. Individuals with the virtue of courage have been reported to have zest, bravery, perseverance, and honesty. On the other hand, the virtue of humanity is accompanied by character strength of social intelligence, love for others, and kindness. Managers and supervisors need to have the virtue of humanity to help them form meaningful relationships with the employees and motivate them to work and achieve organizational goals.
While Pang and Ruch (2019) focus on the relationship between character strength and mindfulness and highlight their significance in organizational outcomes, Raymond and Raymond (2019) examine human well-being and hour it can be improved by improving employee character strength. Individual perception of well-being is strongly impacted by their values, cultural assumptions, and social constructs. Besides, well-being c...
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