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Counselor In Training: Recommendation And Challenges

Essay Instructions:

Journal Entry 1 Assignment

Create a 2 page APA Journal entry that addresses the following:

A narrative examining the reader’s thoughts and feelings related to being as a Counselor in Training (CIT).

This may be inclusive of signing up for class, class itself, other classes, coursework, changes made to fit graduate studies into life, trials and tribulations, how you see the readings enacted in your life.

As this is a personal reflection, maintaining professional boundaries can be difficult, writing in third person helps to maintain boundaries and provide distance when conveying personal thoughts and feelings.

Submit to assignment section and the assigned peer; provided by your instructor; for review.

Also, my trials are not having enough time due to working full time

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Counsellors in Training
Research shows that by 2030, the older population will be more than 20% and this includes about 80 million of 65 years and older individuals. A corresponding research forecast the number of older people who need mental health counselling to increase. According to the research, approximately one in five older people have had a mental disorder or relates to substances abuse. This creates a trickledown effect where more counsellor are needed in society. Apart from this demand of counsellors, there is also the passion acts as a motivation pack every day. This paper is going to examine the feelings and thoughts related to being a Counselor in Training this include recommendation and challenges.
A counsellor in training has to endure challenges where there is a competition between personal obligation and academic professional. There is the invitation for the course, motivation to achieve more, and reminder of maintaining high ethical standards while dealing with clients; however, there seems to be a gap where there is no manual or instructions on how to deal with the trainee personal wellness and how to prevent burnout. Signing up for class is not an issue as with the help of new services online one can easily sign up for classes virtually and just report. As we learn and practice the coursework is not a problem. This is because what you learn in class is then utilized and practised almost immediately making the coursework more feasible and increases morale to learn. Incorporation of more technology in training could serve better for the future.
As there is a forecasted shortage of counsellors in the future, technology use in the practice may help in solving the crisis. For example, if one gets two use Skype to attend a patient there is a possibility of saving time and hence attending to more clients. Technology might save on cost as well as on time in future of counselling and hence more of this training should be included in the coursewo...
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