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Contraception Methods in Texas

Essay Instructions:

In this week’s lesson, we reviewed several different methods of contraception and their efficacy. Part of the efficacy of any given method of contraceptive is the education that surrounds it, including sex education in schools. Did you know that, in the United States, sex education requirements vary from state to state? Some states have very comprehensive sex education programs while others have very restrictive sex education programs. For this week's short essay, I want you to choose one of the 50 U.S. States (it can be any - it may be more interesting to take a look at state where you don't live!). Use this website to get to know that state's requirements and laws surrounding sex education. I would recommend using the proposed outline below when you are writing your essay.

Paragraph 1: Does the state require sex education? Are there any laws that restrict the type of sex education that students have access to?

Paragraph 2: How do you think that the laws either do or do not provide adequate education about the contraceptives that you learned about this week?

Paragraph 3: Look at the information about the state you chose. Do any of the laws restrict sex education pertaining to sexual orientation or gender identity? What might be the consequences of these restrictions?

Paragraph 4: Concluding thoughts, reflections, or recommendations based on the above.

Your submission should be 1.5 to 2 double-spaced pages and free from grammatical errors, typos, confusing syntax, and so on. Remember to include citations if you're quoting directly from the video, textbook, or any other source (including the lesson).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Contraception Methods
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Contraception Methods: Texas
Sex education is not mandatory in Texas. Schools are not under statutory obligation to teach sex education in the state. While school districts should deliver Health Education under Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) at elementary and middle school levels, Health Education is an elective at the high school level (SIECUS, 2021). Restrictions exist on the type of sex education that schools can teach in Texas. For instance, where a school teaches sex education, it must indicate that abstinence is critical. Additionally, where a school uses a curriculum developed by the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS), it must indicate that homosexuality is not acceptable as a lifestyle to the general public. Learners should know that the Texas Penal Code criminalizes homosexuality. However, it is important to note that in 2003, the Supreme Court in Lawrence V. Texas declared state laws criminalizing homosexuality unconstitutional.
Texas has recently passed laws to allow instruction on contraceptives. While the laws are under implementation, they are inadequate to address the birth control needs of learners. Students need to learn more about contraceptives, particularly those who do not believe in abstinence and are sexually active. Through education on contraceptives, such learners can prevent pregnancy. Sex instruction in Texas now covers birth control, although on a limited scale since the state advocates for abstinence (SIECUS, 2021). Further, Texas provides an opt-out policy that allows parents/guardians to get their children from any part of sex education instruction where it conflicts with their belief system. For instance, where a parent does not believe that learners should know more about contraceptives, such a parent can “opt-out” their child from such instruction. Despite contraceptives being ...
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