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Consequence-Based Intervention Plan for Tardiness

Essay Instructions:

In Unit 4, you are learning how positive and negative reinforcement work to maintain the behaviors they follow. Positive reinforcement requires that a desired stimulus be presented after a behavior in order to maintain it, and negative reinforcement requires that an aversive stimulus be removed after a behavior to maintain that behavior. Both positive and negative punishment were explored, along with their side effects, and you learned the ethical considerations that must be evaluated when using punishment to modify behavior. This unit also gives you the opportunity to learn about the process of extinction and how it can be used to do away with a target behavior.


You are a supervising board-certified behavior analyst (BCBA) working at a local ABA center. One of your technicians, Jonathan, is frequently late to work and often calls out due to illness or personal reasons. Jonathan has been late or has called out 1-2 times per week for the month of April. This is a new company so there is not an attendance policy currently in place. The call out procedure involves calling and speaking with the receptionist. The receptionist is very kind. She wishes technicians well when they call out sick and sometimes writes them a “get well soon” card. When technicians call out for personal reasons, she “lends them an ear” and gives good advice. Your clinical director has noticed this technician’s poor attendance and would like you to create a function-based plan for this technician.


Please complete your assigned readings and respond to the following:

Identify the target behavior and the antecedents and consequences in the scenario.

Operationally define the target behavior.

Based upon the contingencies (antecedent – behavior – consequence), hypothesize the probable function of the target behavior.

Describe a consequence-based intervention plan that addresses the behavior based upon the probable function that you identified. You may add an antecedent intervention as well, but it is not required.


Cooper, J. O., Heron, T. E., & Heward, W. L. (2020). Applied Behavior Analysis (3rd ed.). Pearson. 

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Positive and Negative Reinforcement

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Positive and Negative Reinforcement

The target behavior is Jonathan’s frequent tardiness and absence from work. The antecedents in this case are Jonathan’s scheduled work hours and the absence of an established attendance policy. Consequences that follow the event are Jonathan calling out due to illness or personal reasons and the receptionist responding with kindness by writing “get well soon cards” and offering well wishes via calls. Assessments and interventions in applied behavioral analysis rely on operationally defining the identified target behaviors for clarity and consistency throughout the process (Cooper et al., 2020). In this case, tardiness refers to Jonathan arriving to work later than 

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