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Conformity Experiments by Asch, Bystander Apathy Effect, and Normal and Abnormal Behaviours

Essay Instructions:

Psychology learning outcomes and answers

(Keep the question headings for ALL the topics found below, use sub-headings for EVERY new paragraph where possible)

Conformity experiments by Asch:

Define and describe the conformity experiments by Asch, the pressure to conform, the factors that increase conformity, why the conformity occurs and his conclusions on the conditions that promote conformity. (For example, this whole part can be divided into several paragraphs and sub-headings)

Discuss how it can be applied to explain behaviour and mental processes in our daily life.

Discuss any critics against the concept.

Discuss 3 common misconceptions students often have with this concept.

(Give examples to support your answers for all the above questions)

Bystander apathy effect

Define, describe and explain the effect. Why does it occur.

Discuss how it can be applied to explain behaviour and mental processes in our daily life.

Discuss any critics against the concept/process.

Discuss 3 common misconceptions students often have with this process/concept.

(Give examples to support your answers for all the above questions)

Normal and abnormal behaviours

Define and describe normal and abnormal behaviour. Explain the difficulties of defining what normal and abnormal behaviour are. Define and describe the indicators of abnormality and why abnormal behaviour occurs. (For example, this whole part can be divided into several paragraphs and sub-headings)

Discuss how the indicators of abnormality (not typical or culturally expected, distress, dysfunction) can be applied to explain behaviour and mental processes in our daily life.

Describe the differences between normal and abnormal behaviour.

Discuss any critics against the indicators of abnormality.

Discuss 3 common misconceptions students often have with indicators of abnormality.

(Give examples to support your answers for all the above questions)

 Anxiety (especially OCD), depression, and schizophrenia.

Define and describe the symptoms of the disorders:





(For example, this whole part can be divided into several paragraphs and sub-headings)

Discuss the nature versus nurture debate on psychological disorders.

Discuss and explain how and why:





can occur and manifested in our behaviour and mental processes in our daily life.

Describe the differences between:





Discuss 3 common misconceptions students often have with:





(Give examples to support your answers for all the above questions)

Source & type of stress, stress & personality, coping strategies

Define and describe the sources & types of stress, and why they occur. Describe the differences between the different types of stress.

(For example, this whole part can be divided into several paragraphs and sub-headings)

Discuss and explain how stress can occur and manifested itself in our behaviour and mental processes in our daily life.

Describe the types of stress coping strategies.

Describe the role of cognitive appraisal in stress.

Discuss and explain the relationship between stress and personality.


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Psychology learning outcomes and answers

(Keep the question headings for ALL the topics found below; use sub-headings for EVERY new paragraph where possible)

Conformity experiments by Asch:

Define and describe the conformity experiments by Asch, the pressure to conform, the factors that increase conformity, why conformity occurs, and his conclusions on the conditions that promote conformity. (For example, this whole part can be divided into several paragraphs and sub-headings)

Conformity experiments by Solomon Asch tried to determine how far some individuals can bow to group pressure. Confederates gave false answers about the length of lines to participants in the 1950s. However, one of the reasons for such compliance is that the group is large and unanimous in its opinions, and the problems are highly complicated. Conformity results mainly because one wants to conform, be part of the crowd, and not reject it. It also stems from group dependence (Seminar 6). The two influences that result in conformity are normative influence arising from the need to attain social approval and informational influence caused by the requirement for being accurate. Asch established the fact that people may conform to a wrong position, which is driven by social pressure (Seminar 1). Conditions supporting conformity include the strength of the group's influence, the timeliness of the situation, and the existence of opposition.

Discuss how it can be applied to explain behavior and mental processes in our daily lives.

It explains how people do similar things at a time, like the trends of fashion, political views, and social norms. Asch's findings help in understanding the reasons why people conform to societal expectations to feel accepted or avoid conflict.

Discuss any critics against the concept.

Some critics believe that Ash's experiments might only partially reflect the diversity of real-life communication. Asch's conclusions are not universal and may be affected by individual differences and cultural factors, which might influence the extent of conformity.

Discuss three common misconceptions students often have about this concept.

Misconception 1: Conformity is Always Negative

Example: Following the rules of the road is safety and an example of positive conformity.

Misconception 2: Conformity Implies Weakness

Example: Moral strength is demonstrated by adhering to ethical principles, not the other way around.

Misconception 3: Conformity is Always Conscious

Example: Many people conform unconsciously and may, for instance, start using slang among a new social group

Bystander apathy effect

Define, describe, and explain the effect. Why does it occur?

The bystander apathy effect is a situation where one is less likely to offer help in an emergency where the people are present around. The effect of Kitty Genovese was coined after the infamous murder in 1964 of Kitty Genovese. The effect highlights that everyone has a diffusion of responsibility, and therefore, each member will only act when believing the other will do it (Seminar 1). These social and psychological factors contribute to the phenomenon of bystander apathy. It is also known as the diffusion of responsibility, whereby an individual may not take responsibility because they presume others will help Seminar 1. Additionally, collective misinterpretation of the severity of a situation may occur from pluralistic ignorance, where individuals tend to look to others for cues on how to behave, which further inhibits intervention.

Discuss how it can be applied to explain behavior and mental processes in our daily lives.

The phenomenon of bystander apathy can explain a lot of things we see in our lives, such as failing to step in during a public quarrel or refusing to help someone who needs help. Therefore, understanding this effect is critical in promoting pro-social behavior and encouraging people to rise from the bystander effect and take individual responsibility in emergencies.

Discuss any criticisms against the concept/process.

The critics say that bystander is not a universal phenomenon that any circumstance can cause. Cultural differences, personality, and the perception of the emergency can influence bystander apathy. Others argue that the impact could be exaggerated, stressing the need for context-specific consideration in each (Seminar 6).

Discuss three common misconceptions students often have about this process/concept.

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