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Conditioning Procrastination and Self-Control

Essay Instructions:


● Compose an essay in current APA format using a title page, in-text citations, and a reference page.

● Answer both questions in each essay with a minimum of 250 words for each question.

● Answer the academic questions using the concepts from the required course materials and reading assignments for this class.

● Biblical perspective questions require the use of the Bible and concepts from the course textbook. Use at least two appropriate scriptures and fully explain the use of the specific scripture. Do not list a scripture or add it to the essay without explaining its use.

● Write in a formal college-level essay style. For this assignment, you may use first person.

● Do not include the essay questions in your submission.

● Include at least one in-text citation per each of the essay questions. A minimum of one scholarly source (either our textbook or a required reading) and the Bible must be included on the reference page.

● Do not include direct textbook quotes. Instead, paraphrase information from the textbook or required readings (using in-text citations).

● Bible quotes are allowed and required

Essay Assignment: Conditioning (Module 3)

1. Your friend has a problem with procrastination and her grades are suffering. According to learning concepts in the textbook, why is she procrastinating? What can you recommend that she do?

2. Explain learning self-control from a Biblical perspective. Give an example of a time when you learned self-control in your life. Use concepts from the textbook and at least two scriptures to support your answer.

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June 4, 2023
Question 1
Procrastination is a pervasive issue that can be explored through the psychological framework of operant conditioning. According to Domjan (2014), operant conditioning is a principle of learning that asserts that our behaviors are influenced and maintained by their consequences. When one procrastinates, it often indicates a favoring of immediate gratification over the delayed gratification associated with the completion of tasks. In the context of studying, immediate rewards might include perceived freedom and temporary relief from the stresses associated with academic work. The allure of these immediate, albeit transient, rewards encourages the cycle of procrastination.
The concept of procrastination becomes clearer when viewed through the lens of the four types of operant conditioning: positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, positive punishment, and negative punishment. Procrastination, in essence, is negatively reinforced. The avoidance of an unpleasant task (studying) reduces feelings of stress or anxiety, which in turn reinforces the avoidance behavior (Sirois, 2022).
To counteract this issue, it's crucial to encourage the creation of new habits that favor long-term academic success over short-term comfort. One method involves structuring an environment and routine that fosters productive behavior. This approach may require practical modifications, such as designating a dedicated study space free from distractions, adhering to a strict study schedule, or using productivity apps that limit time spent on distractions.
Another essential strategy is to utilize positive reinforcement to make studying more appealing. This could involve the establishment of a reward system tied to the completion of specific study sessions or tasks. For example, allowing oneself to watch a favorite TV show or enjoy a favorite snack only after a certain amount of studying can be an effective motivator.
Further, the principles of negative reinforcement can be employed by setting rules to abstain from certain pleasurable activities until study tasks are accomplished. For instance, avoiding social media, gaming, or other leisure activities until after studying effectively turns to complete academic tasks into a prerequisite for leisure. This reframes the task from something to be avoided to something that enables enjoyment, motivating the individual to complete tasks more promptly.
In essence, the principles of operant conditioning can offer valuable insights into why people procrastinate and provide strategies to modi...
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