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Concepts of Humanistic and Biological Psychology

Essay Instructions:

Please respond to each question with a minimum of 250 to a maximum of 300 words.
Please include a minimum of four academic resources. These sources should be cited in APA format.

1) Explain the main tenets of Psychoanalysis. Identify 3 ways Psychoanalysis influences the practice of psychology today.
2) Discuss the main views of Neofreudians. Identify 3 ways that Neofreudians influence the practice of psychology today.

3) Describe the concepts of Humanistic Psychology. Identify 3 ways Humanistic psychology influences the practice of psychology today.

4) Discuss the main views of Biological Psychology. Identify 3 ways that Biological Psychology influences the practice of psychology today.

5) Summarize Cognitive Psychology. Identify 3 ways that Cognitive Psychology influences the practice of psychology today.

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Explain the main tenets of Psychoanalysis. Identify 3 ways Psychoanalysis influences the practice of psychology today.

The basic tents include the following. Firstly, the development of individuals is influenced by events in early childhood as opposed to inherited traits alone. In this case, forgotten events in childhood have a major role in the development of persons. Secondly, an individual’s behavior and cognition are influenced by their unconscious drives. These instinctual drives are rooted in the unconscious. Thirdly, since these drives are rooted in the unconscious, any effort to bring them to awareness results in resistance. The resistance comes in the form of defense mechanisms, especially repression. Here, what is unacceptable to the conscious mind is hindered from accessing it.
Psychoanalysis influences the fields of psychology in different ways. Firstly, while psychodynamic theories were not based on experimental research, the approaches of psychoanalytic thinking have been critical in the advancement of experimental psychology. The field has brought about the scientific investigation of how people respond to stimuli. Because of Psychoanalysis, the scientific study of human behavior has been enhanced. Through empirical research methods, psychology can explore behavior better. Secondly, Psychoanalysis has led to the development of many theories of personality (Zhang, 2020). Freud’s psychosexual stage theory is one of the theories that have a major influence on psychology. Because of the theories developed as a result of Psychoanalysis, the field of psychology has expanded and grown immensely. Psychologists have a wide range of ideas to exploit, which has been key in bringing a better understanding of personality and human behavior. Lastly, Psychoanalysis has contributed to the development of therapies that psychologists can employ to treat their clients. For instance, psychoanalysis therapy aims at releasing emotions and experiences by making the unconscious conscious. Here, repressed experiences and emotions, often from the early stages of life, are brought to the surface, allowing psychologists to examine them. Through such a therapy, the field of psychology has gained a practical way of solving problems associated with childhood experiences.

Discuss the main views of Neofreudians. Identify 3 ways that Neofreudians influence the practice of psychology today.

Neo-Freudian psychologists referred to thinkers who agreed with most of Freud’s psychoanalytic theory but modified the approach to include their beliefs and ideas. The Neofreudians capitalized on grey areas in Freud’s theory to include aspects they thought were critical. Most thinkers agreed with the idea of the unconscious mind and the essence of early childhood. However, some of them disagreed with the same concept. For instance, Erik Erikson indicated that Freud was misled to think that childhood events entirely shaped personality. Many Neofreudians also felt that Freud’s approach failed to emphasize social and cultural influences on behavior and personality. They also disagreed with Freud’s view on human nature.
Neo-Freudians are instrumental in incorporating the effect of social environment and culture on personality. Rather than the sexual stages that Freud outlined, some Neo-Freudians like Alfred Adler emphasized the essence of social connections. Psychology emphasizes the importance of social aspects in the development of individuals, something that Freud did not consider. Secondly, Neo-Freudians are instrumental in expanding the field of psychology by incorporating aspects that Freud overlooked. Because of the work of Neo-Freudians, psychology has developed to be the field it is today. The contributions of Neo-Freudians like Alfred Adler, Erik Erikson, Carl Jung, and Karen Horney are key in the field of psychology (McCluskey, 2021). Lastly, Neo-Freudians played a major role in modernizing Freud’s concepts. Freud suggested sexual and aggressive underpinnings as instrumental, which Neo-Freudians have discredited. In rejecting some of Freud’s ideas, Neo-Freudians have modernized psychology to gain modern application. While the Neo-Freudians acknowledged Freud’s ideas as basic, they worked hard to make them relevant to today’s needs. The field of psychology is more relevant today courtesy of the contributions of Neo-Freudians

Describe the concepts of Humanistic Psychology. Identify 3 ways Humanistic psychology influences the practice of psychology today.

Humanistic Psychology is an approach that emphasizes the need to consider the whole person and the uniqueness of each person (Sinnott, 2008). It is grounded in the belief that all humans are innately good. The ideas of Humanistic Psychology arose from the opposition of behaviorism and psychoanalysis and attained application in the US in the 1960s because of the “human potential” movement. Humanistic Psychology has a problem with behaviorists because they are overconcerned with analyzing human actions and important neglect aspects like feelings. Humanistic Psychology considers spending too much time on laboratory research to quantify and reduce human behavior to its elements, which is unnecessary. At the same time, Humanistic Psychology has challenges with the deterministic orientation of psychoanalysis because of its proposal that early experiences and drives are a determinant of human behavior, which denies people their fullest growth in aspects like love, self-worth, and autonomy.
Humanistic Psychology has contributed to new ways of thumbing about mental health issues. It has provided new ways of understanding human behaviors and moti...
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