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Cognitive Psychology Assignment 3

Essay Instructions:
Directions: Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your responses to the essay topics should be presented in two double-spaced paragraphs. 1. Compare and contrast behavioral and physiological measures employed in cognitive psychology, providing appropriate examples. 2. Describe the causes and types of agnosia and explain how this neuropsychological disorder is related to the processes of pattern recognition, using appropriate examples. 3. (1.) Briefly differentiate anterograde and retrograde amnesia and their relationship to the brain’s hippocampus. (2.) Explain the importance of the hippocampus in the process of long-term memory consolidation, including the role of sleep, using one or more appropriate examples. 4. In a brief and concise manner, outline and describe the main components of long-term memory, to include declarative, episodic, and semantic memory on the one hand and the two categories of nondeclarative memory on the other hand. Provide simple examples of each component. 5. (1.) Define the concept of prospective memory, providing examples, and briefly describe the basic neural pathways involved in prospective memory. (2.) Illustrate why prospective memory is important in the workplace, using examples
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cognitive Psychology Assignment 3 Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Cognitive Psychology Assignment 3 Comparing and Contrasting Behavioral and Physiological Measures in Cognitive Psychology Cognitive psychologists focus on understanding the workings of the mind. To achieve that objective, they employ behavioral and physiological measures (Taylor & Workman, 2022). While both tools are valuable in delivering insights, they showcase variations both in approaches and execution. The two tools also bear varying strengths and weaknesses. Primarily, behavioral measures emphasize what individuals do while responding to stimuli or cognitive tasks. As such, the behavioral measures involve observing and recording observable behaviors that are indicative of underlying cognitive processes. Some examples of assessments in behavioral measures include reaction time to ascertain the duration it takes for an individual to respond to stimuli. The other assessments in behavioral measures include eye tracking and accuracy. Conversely, physiological measures emphasize bodily responses associated with specific stimuli or cognitive activity. Some examples of physiological measures include skin conductance, heart rate, or electroencephalography (EEG) measurements. Even though through different perspectives, both measures aim to understand cognitive processes. However, behavioral measures are observable while physiological measures are internal bodily changes. Also, while behavioral measures are direct to assessing cognitive responses, physiological measures only offer indirect insights into cognitive processes. Finally, behavioral measures are simple and less invasive while physiological measures normally require specialized equipment and expertise to execute. Causes and Types of Agnosia and its Relationship with Pattern Recognition Agnosia is a neuropsychological condition that is characterized with the inability by the inability to recognize or interpret sensory stimuli despite intact sensory pathways (Taylor & Workman, 2022). As such, individuals diagnosed with agnosia cannot recognize familiar objects, sounds, smells, or faces, despite having intact sensory abilities. That is, even though individuals can feel, hear, or see things, they struggle to tell what those things are. Agnosia comes in many forms. For example, consider a case of associative visual agnosia where a person sees a key but cannot identify it. In a healthy individual, visual sensory information about the key (its shape, size, color) is processed by the visual cortex and th...
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