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Cognitive Learning, Motivation, Obedience to Authority, Power of the Situation, and Nature-Nurture

Essay Instructions:

Psychology learning outcomes and answers

(Keep the question headings for ALL the topics found below; if the question does not apply to the concept or theory, skip the question)

(Use APA7 guidelines when preparing the answer)

The topic Attachment Style is JUST AN EXAMPLE OF THE QUESTIONS, DO NOT write on this topic, your topic start from COGNITIVE LEARNING, See below after these sample questions.

Attachment Styles

  1. 1.     Define and describe attachment styles. Why it occurs and how it is evident in real life situations.

  1. 2.     Discuss and apply the concept, theory, principles shown above (attachment styles) to explain feelings, mental processes and behaviours in our daily life.

  1. 3      If your concept, theory, principles, etc (for example, Piaget's stages of development) has more than one or more stages, describe the differences between them. In there, you need to describe the differences between the attachment styles

  1. 4.     Discuss any criticisms against the concept or theory. Use theoretical and empirical evidence to support your argument in this critical review and analysis.

  1. 5.     Using your understanding of the concept or theory above, explain what cognitive and behavioural changes would appear in a person if the concept or theory was applied in his/her daily life.

  1. 6.     Apply your understanding of the concept or theory, discuss 2 other similar common concepts which students often misunderstood with the concept or theory above (attachment style).

(Give examples to support your answers for all the above questions)

Proceed with the following topics with the same SIX questions. Skip one or two etc. out of the SIX questions if it is not applicable for the concept, theories etc.


1) Cognitive learning + one extra question: Describe the cognitive influences on learning.

2) Motivation:

-           a)Drive theory

-           b)Freud’s Psychodynamic Theory

-           c)Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs

-           d)Cognitive theory and Locus of control

3) Obedience to authority (Milgram) + one more question: Discuss about his conclusions about conditions that promote blind obedience.

4) Power of the situation (Stanford prison experiment) + one more question: Discuss about his conclusions about how people’s behaviour is constrained by social situations.

5) Nature-nurture interaction on psychological disorders + one more question: Discuss the nature vs nurture debate on psychological disorders

(Give examples to support your answers for all the above questions)

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Psychology Learning

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Psychology Learning

Define and Discuss Cognitive Learning

Cognitive learning refers to acquiring knowledge, understanding, and working with problem-solving skills through applying mental processes. Examples of these mental processes include perception, thinking, memory, and reasoning. Cognitive learning also involves manipulating information that will cause changes in an individual's understanding and behaviors (Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, 2021). The approaches in cognitive learning are important and geared towards focusing on how people process information differently, solve problems, and make effective decisions.

Applications in Real Life

Cognitive learning can be applied in real life through different methods. The application occurs through observation, individuals having different perceptions, experiences, and reasoning. Examples of applications are as follows. Cognitive learning can be used in problem-solving processes. It happens when someone faces a problem and uses their cognitive abilities to analyze the problem's situation, generating any potential solutions available. They will choose the best action to handle the problem (Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, 2021). The second application is in language, whereby there is a need to understand grammar rules, vocabulary, and sentence structures. These mechanisms involve using cognitive processes such as memory to recall and make pattern recognitions. The third application example is learning musical instruments. Mastering a musical instrument is important as it involves an individual having cognitive processes like memorizing the notes, learning the musical theory, and coordination in hand movements to play the music.

Application in Daily Life

Cognitive learning can be applied in daily life to impact our feelings, mental processes, and behaviors that individuals have in daily life. The application involves decision-making where cognitive processes come into play, help evaluate different opinions, and allow individuals to make informed decisions. There is also the aspect of emotional regulation in which cognitive learning makes one understand their emotions and develop different cognitive strategies to manage them effectively.

Different stages of Cognitive Learning

Different stages in cognitive learning are similar to Piaget's stages of cognitive development. They include the sensorimotor stage, where the infants learn through sensory experiences and motor actions. The infants gradually learn by understanding object permanence. The second stage is the preoperational stage, whereby children use language and apply mental imagery to understand the world, but they will need help with logical reasoning (Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, 2021). The third one is the concrete operational stage, where children begin to think logically, and the thinking is on concrete events. Further, children also start to understand conservation. The last stage is the formal operational stage, where adolescents develop abstract thinking, start having hypothetical reasoning, and effectively deal with problem-solving abilities.

Criticisms Against Cognitive Learning

Some criticisms are made against cognitive learning, including points where some argue that the theories oversimplify complex cognitive processes. Hence, the theories may only apply universally to some individuals (Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, 2021). Another criticism is that there is neglect of social and emotional factors, as critics suggest that these theories end up neglecting the influence of emotions or social interactions that people have regarding cognitive development.

Misunderstood Concepts

The two concepts commonly misunderstood when discussing cognitive learning include behaviorism, often confused with cognitive learning. Behaviorism deals with observable behaviors, while cognitive learning emphasizes handling mental processes (Pastorino & Doyle-Portillo, 2021). The second is social learning theory, which includes assessing cognitive elements emphasizing learning through observation and social interactions. It is different from the cognitive learning focus, where individual mental processes are the main aspects of focus.

Describe the Cognitive Influences of Learning

An application through learning and adaptation is evident whereby cognitive abilities help one to learn about new skills, adapt to changes, and

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