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Cognitive, Emotional, Physical and Social Developmental Milestones of a 2-year-old Child

Essay Instructions:

1. Describe the typical individual regarding the following characteristics:
Physical, Cognitive, Emotional and Social Development narrow optimism largely
2. How would the following Theorists define this typical individual using their stage theories as guidelines: (when applicable) S. Freud, Piaget, Erikson, Kohlberg, Maslow
3. Your interpretation about what each of these Theorists said about your selected age range and if you agree or disagree and Why?
All information can be obtained from the textbook assigned and class handouts.
Total Length: Approximately 5 double-spaced printed pages
One sided printing
Font. #12 Times New Roman
APA format preferred
1. You did not identify the stage a 2-year-old would be based on Erikson’s stage theory. What is it called? i.e.. The first one is Trust vs.
2. Same for Freud. You did not identify the stage a 2-year-old would be based on Freud's theory.
3. Kohlberg does not apply to your age group. His concepts do not occur to a child under age 4. You should have mentioned that
4. With Maslow you did not identify where your age would be according to his theory
5. Piaget was OK you did mention the “Sensory-Motor" stage.
6. personal reflections were too brief and incomplete. That section should have been about 1/3 of you project and evaluated your view of each theorist separately. Here you only mentioned Kohlberg.

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Milestone for 2-Year-Old Children
New York Institute of Technology
Milestones for 2-Year-Old Children
Infants and children typically progress in an inherent, predictable sequence from one developmental milestone to the next. Nonetheless, it is worth noting that each infant or child grows and develops skills based on his or her pace. Some children may be advanced in one area, such as language, but behind in other areas, such as sensory alongside motor development. The following literature aims to critically analyze the developmental milestones of a 2-year-old child based on cognitive development, emotional development, physical growth, alongside social development. Other than that, the literature will also analyze children’s developmental milestones based on Erickson, Maslow, Kohlberg, Piaget, and Freud's theories.
Emotional and Social Development of 2-year Old
By the age of 2, children should start developing self-awareness. Essentially, this means that children usually realize that they are individuals and distinctive from other individuals by this age. Besides, even though that children at this age are excited about developing skills, they also are bound to struggle with their emerging independence. As such, children at this age are likely to resist the comfort of their caregivers one minute, only to run to cling to them the next minute. Furthermore, children at this age are also likely to comprehend and utilize the term “no” as a way of asserting themselves. Visser-Bochane & Luinge (2020) affirm that calmly redirecting the child or stating the request in a different approach may help with this behavior. Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning that tantrums usually reflect related frustrations and competing feelings.
Other than self-awareness, a 2-year-old child is also fully cognizant of the fact that they may not always get what they want or rather that they may have to wait for what they want. Even though most children also start to see the link between how they act and what happens next, they are more inclined to act on impulse. This means that children within this age do not behave consistently because they may not completely anticipate the ramifications of their actions. Other social behaviors that children are likely to exhibit within this age include: showing interest in observation alongside imitation of other people; they are bound to be excited and interested in being with other children; and may not be concerned about gender differences, though they start to recognize that they exist.
Cognitive Development
The vast majority of children by the age of 2 usually begin to comprehend basic time concepts, including now or later. However, distant future or forever are usually too complex to conceptualize at this particular age. Additionally, the other cognitive development that is likely to be manifested in this age is the ability to adhere to a simple instruction, such as "place the plate on the table.” Nonetheless, two-step instructions, such as, "Wash your hands and move the plates on the table,” may not usually be completed. Other characteristics that children within this age are likely to exhibit include basic symbolism, "such as nodding the head for yes or no"; commence to recognize and sort objects based on color and shape, and often wanting to complete two incompatible things simultaneously.
Physical Growth and Development
By the time they celebrate their second birthday, children are also likely to have grown by about 15 inches or 38 centimeters. Children within this age are also expected to gain weight and grow at a steady but slower pace than during their initial 12 months of life. Between the age of 12 and 24 months of age, children are also likely to gain between 1.5 kilograms to 2.5 kilograms and gain a head circumference of 2.5 centimeters. Ultimately, it is worth noting that children within this age manifest rapid development of motor skills. This means that children within this age are likely to kick the ball or go up and downstairs one step at a time.
Developmental Stages Based on Theories
Erickson’s Stages of Psychosocial Development
According to Erickson's theory, a 2-year-old would belong to the trust vs. mistrust stage and the autonomy vs. the shame stage. The trust vs. mistrust stage is where the child builds a significant relationship with the mother. During this stage, the child develops feelings of whether to trust the world around them or not (McLeod, 2018). The main events in the child's life are abandonment and feeding. The second stage focuses on building a relationship with both parents. The essential question in this stage is whether the child is okay to be themselves. The stage involves activities such as toilet training and clothing themselves. According to Erickson's theory of psychosocial development, children celebrating their second birthday are likely to develop a greater sense of personal control. According to the theorist, children at this age usually commence gaining a little independence. As such, they are bound to perform basic actions on their own and engage in decision-making depending on what they prefer. For this reason, Erickson emphasized the need for a patient to allow children within the early childhood bracket to make choices and gain control to enable them to develop a sense of autonomy (McLeod, 2018). Consequently, to allow children to develop a greater sense of autonomy, toilet training should be encouraged by both parents and caregivers.
Freud’s Theory Psychosexual Development
According to Freud's theory, a 2-year-old would belong to the anal stage. The main focus of this stage is for the child to control their bowel and bladder movements. The child might face a challenge with toilet training, but accomplishing the stage would give them a sense of independence. The success...
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