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Clinical Implications of Agoraphobia in Patients with Panic Disorder

Essay Instructions:

Instructions for the essay and course material to be used in the essay are attached separately. **Please note that the paper is to be 2 FULL pages SINGLE SPACED, so I paid for 4 pages.

Title: Clinical implications of agoraphobia in patients with panic disorder

                The paper should be about agoraphobia.

Paper Length and Formatting:

●        The paper must be single-spaced and should have 1 inch top, bottom, left and right margins.

●        Times New Roman, 12pt font.

●        The paper must be 2 FULL pages single spaced.

●        No cover page needed.

●        Reference page is needed.

●        Use a title that summarizes the topic.

●        Name goes in the top right corner of the paper.

Topic and Structure of the Paper:

1.  The first part of the paper must summarize the major ideas or research processes in the article. The summary should demonstrate that you understand how the researchers used good research practices to answer questions about a psychological idea.

●        Summarize using your own words and use no more than 2 direct quotes (if any at all). Remember that quotes MUST be cited.

●        **Your summary must include descriptions of the design and outcome of the study(s) discussed in the article.

●        NOTE: PLAGIARISM WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. All papers will be scanned through SafeAssign.

2. The second part of the paper must describe how the ideas or research processes in the article relate to material in the course.

●        Your reflection may include personal anecdotes, however, the reflection must explicitly connect the material presented in the article to information from your class lectures or book readings. (course material attached separately)

●        Example of topics that you may wish to discuss in this section:

○        Does the article elaborate on a concept or principle described in the text or in a lecture?

○        Does the article provide evidence for or against a principle described in class?

○        What new/innovative ideas are introduced that go beyond the course material?

Paper References:

●        All references used should be listed on the reference page.

●        To cite the lecture (if used for the paper), please use (Victor, 2022) in the text. This does not need to be listed on the reference page. (Lecture will be attached separately)


MAJOR IDEAS OF RESEARCH PAPER: Ideas are clearly defined and stated in a concise, precise manner. These ideas are presented in a logical order and cover the major parts of the article: introduction, methods, results, and discussion. No section is omitted.

RELATING MATERIAL TO CLASS: The paper demonstrates that the author fully understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas

DEPTH OF REFLECTION: In-depth discussion & elaboration in all sections of the paper.

COHESIVENESS: Ties together information from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next without the need for headings. Author's writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources.

APA FORMATTING: No errors in APA style. Scholarly style. Writing is flowing and easy to follow.

CITATIONS: Cites all data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Clinical Implications of Agoraphobia in Patients with Panic Disorder
Student Name
Course Name
Instructor Name
Date of submission
Clinical Implications of Agoraphobia in Patients with Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is a health condition relating to anxiety that shows the characteristics of sudden and repeated panic attacks accompanied by fear of dying, dizziness, abdominal distress, chest discomfort, shortness of breath, sweating, and palpitations. Panic disorder patients exhibit psychiatric comorbidities like suicide ideation, substance abuse, and depression. Panic attacks are the most common symptom associated with panic disorder, which can have long-term effects on the body. The occurrence of panic disorder is associated with agoraphobia, a condition when too much anxiety and fear fills a person where acquiring assistance is challenging in case of a panic attack and evading such attacks proves difficult (Craske & Barlow, 2014). The relationship between panic disorder and agoraphobia has not been established sufficiently, and several studies have been undertaken to prove this hypothesis. Several studies have concluded that agoraphobia is a subtype of panic disorder, and it may pose more severe complications and harms of panic disorder. It may occur after a person has had many continuous panic attacks, although other studies have concluded that agoraphobia might be an independent illness. Agoraphobia might occur without panic symptoms. There are several notable differences in their symptoms in terms of treatment outcome between panic disorder and agoraphobia, sex-specific incidence rate, and prevalence. Research has shown that agoraphobia has significant clinical implications for a patient, but how it affects panic disorder patients in relation to the clinical course, psychological comorbidity, and symptoms severity has not been comprehensively proven by doctors. The research study targeted to contrast the severity of panic disorder symptoms, clinical course, and comorbid psychiatric symptoms to acquire adequate data. It would also include medication for participants with panic disorder alone and those with panic disorder with agoraphobia.
The study was conducted in a university-affiliated tertiary hospital, and it was retrospective. The study included participants who were later diagnosed with panic disorder between June 2014 and September 2018. The total number of participants involved was eighty-seven. The participants were then divided into two groups: those with panic disorder alone and those who had a panic disorder with agoraphobia symptoms. Participants with PD were forty-six, and participants with PDA were forty-one. The participants who were tested for panic disorder with agoraphobia replied yes on question four of the Panic Disorder Severity Scale, which implied the participants exhibited agoraphobia symptoms and an Albany Panic and Phobia Questionnaire score of above sixty-five. The study was permitted by the Konkuk University Hospital's Institutional Review Board, and the board waived the study's findings.
The measurements taken for the study were information on the treatment course, results of the psychological tests, and demographic data. The psychological tests taken during the study were the Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory, state-trait anxiety inventory, beck depression inventory, PDSS, APPQ, and anxiety sensitivity index-revised. The PDSS test utilized the Korean version, which had better inter-rater reliability and test-retest reliability. The PDSS is the most common basic measurement scale for panic disorder. The APPQ scale was used to assess interceptive fear, social phobia, and agoraphobia of panic disorder. All scales used in the study were of the Korean version, which proved to have superior accuracy in results and assessing participants' state. The ASI-R was used to measure the amount of fear resulting from actualizing that one's body feelings will produce fatal significances. The BDI scale measures the brutality of depression signs. The STAI scale me...
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