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Child and Adolescent Psychology

Essay Instructions:

please use the Unit 8 Assignment Template to write a 2-page descriptive essay tracing the development of self-understanding throughout the stages by focusing on the development of self-awareness and self-control in infancy/toddlerhood and the development of the self-concept and self-esteem in early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. Provide at least one detailed example of the development of these self-understanding concepts for each stage and be sure to cite the textbook information/research findings to support your ideas.

For each of the four stages, consider the role that parents play in their child’s development of self. How can parents promote self-awareness and self-control in infancy/toddlerhood and how can parents promote self-concept and self-esteem in early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence?our assignment should be a 2-page descriptive essay, not including the title and reference pages, and should include the following elements:

Title page: Provide your name, title of the assignment, course and section number, and date.

Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.

Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of skills and practice in the human service profession.

Reference page: Sources listed in APA format.

Please cite and reference at least one academic source in your paper.

Your full references should be listed alphabetically on the reference page.

Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left-aligned.

Use standard 1" margins on all sides.

Use APA formatting and citation style.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Child and Adolescent Psychology
Development of Self-Understanding Throughout the Stages
Children undergo four primary stages when developing into adulthood. They are infancy/toddlerhood, early childhood, middle childhood, and the adolescent stage. Parents play a significant role as a child passes through these stages. How they behave towards and treat their children help them enhance self-understanding and boost their self-esteem, which is different in each stage of development.
Infancy and toddlerhood happen within the first two years of a child. In this stage, the child develops trust or mistrust and dependence or independence depending on how their parents treat them. A child learns to trust their parents if the parents respond well to the child’s needs (Paris et al., 2019). For example, a child may cry, signaling their parents that they are hungry. The parent can either respond to the child or ignore them. If they respond quickly, the child develops trust, while they develop mistrust towards their parents if they do not respond. Similarly, a toddler may be training to walk and wants to walk alone, but the parent insists on aiding them. This makes the child dependent even in adulthood as opposed to when the parent lets the child walk by themselves, gaining independence. Therefore, parents help their children develop self-understanding if they endeavor to earn their trust and let them be independent in the first stage. This also boosts their self-esteem.
The early childhood stage is also known as the preschool stage, where children battle initiative and guilt depending on how their parents raise them. It happens between three and five years. In this stage, the child is actively learning a language, gaining a sense of self-concept and increased independence (Paris et al., 2019). They also begin to learn how the physical world works. This knowledge does not come easily as children may have different conceptions about various issues, like believing that water will carry them away if they sit in front of a bathtub. For example, a child may ask their parents to help buy a nice, expensive toy. If the parents reply to them in a positive tone, the child will know that it is go...
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