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Biological and Biochemical Aspects of an individuals behavior

Essay Instructions:
Biology, as applied to the study of brain functions, is an important part of understanding behavior. Learning the anatomy of the brain, the nervous system, and the endocrine system provides a person in the field of mental health with a basis for researching and treating disorders. In this week’s assessment, you look at the biological aspects of a neurological, psychological, or neurodevelopmental disorder. Imagine you have been asked to write a research article on the biological and biochemical aspects of a specific mental disorder for publication in a psychological journal. Select and research a mental disorder that falls into one of the following categories of disorders: Neurological Psychological Neurodevelopmental Write a 700- to 1,050-word article analyzing the biological and biochemical aspects of the mental disorder you selected. Use the topics below as headings in the article. Overview Identify common symptoms associated with the disorder. Neurophysiological Factors Describe the neurophysiological elements of the disorder, such as those found in: Neurotransmitters Nervous system, sensory and motor systems Brain function Therapeutic Interventions Provide 3 therapeutic interventions used to treat the disorder and describe how each treatment helps to reduce or manage the symptoms of the disorder. Therapeutic Interventions Analysis Examine contemporary perspectives toward the 3 treatments you selected. Include the following in your response: What are some varying perspectives (values, beliefs, opinions) on the interventions you described? How have these perspectives evolved over time? How might analyzing these diverse perspectives help mental health professionals in providing solutions to individuals who have the disorder? Clinical Application Based on your research, identify an evidence-based approach to treating the disorder. Include the following in your response: How does scientific or psychological research support the evidence-based approach? Why is the evidence-based approach effective? How might it be used to treat the disorder or improve an individual’s mental or physical health? How can the evidence-based approach be modified to accommodate varying needs of individuals who have the disorder? What are some ethical standards practitioners should consider when using the evidence-based approach? What are some short- or long-term effects of the intervention? Include a minimum of 5 scholarly sources in addition to your textbook to support your article. Format your article according to APA guidelines Textbook Kalat, J. (2024). Biological psychology (14th ed.). Cengage Learning.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Biological and Biochemical Aspects of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Student Name Institution Course Professor Date Biological and Biochemical Aspects of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) Overview Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) is a chronic, severe, and disabling mood disorder with its main sign comprising persistent depressed mood and diminished interest or pleasure in most activities. Signs are alterations or deterioration of appetite or weight; sleep disturbances that include insomnia or hypersomnia; fatigue; reduced ability to concentrate; feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness; and thoughts of death or suicide attempts. By its nature, MDD is highly polygenic and polyenvironmental and has structural, genetic, and biochemical substrates (Li et al., 2021). Currently, it is considered a priority health concern given its worldwide prevalence and effect on the individual and societal quality of life, as well as an early warning sign for a more severe disease process. To design specific and efficacious treatment interventions, there is a need to consider their biological and biochemical nature. Neurophysiological Factors MDD causes significant changes in the brain, neural system, and neurotransmitter system. Serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine abnormalities characterize the condition. The serotonin deficiency theory is supported by low serotonin levels, dysregulated transport, and receptor activation, which have been associated with depression (Moncrieff et al., 2022). MDD also disrupts the neurological system, including the brain and peripheral systems. Elevated stress responsivity and failure to regulate heart rate and digestion are examples of improper ANS regulation. MDD patients have structural brain abnormalities, including decreased hippocampus volume and amygdala and prefrontal cortex activity (Dean & Keshavan, 2017). Memory, emotional regulation, and stress response are linked to structural abnormalities. Furthermore, MDD involves hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis dysfunction. Chronic HPA axis activation increases cortisol, which accelerates neurodegeneration, impairs neuroplasticity, and increases stress vulnerability. MDD is linked to immune system dysregulation, inflammation, increased pro-inflammatory cytokines, and brain inflammation (Anderson, 2018). MDD individuals with psychomotor impairment or agitation (altered neuronal signaling and motor coordination) have sensory and motor system involvement. Therapeutic Interventions There are several interventions for MDD. Firstly, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are very widely used for pharmacological MDD intervention. SSRIs work by blocking the reuptake of serotonin into the neuron, thereby increasing the amount of serotonin in the synaptic cleft, which raises mood and reduces depressive symptoms. SSRIs are well tolerated, although side effects are possible, and dose adjustments, or even combined therapies, may be needed to realize the best outcomes (Saavedra et al., 2016). Secondly, cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a nonpharmaceutical method of identifying and modifying those negative thoughts and behavior patterns th...
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