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Cultural Paychology: Beliefs about Death among Latino/ Hispanic/Dominican

Essay Instructions:

For this paper, you should think about a psychological theme (e.g., beliefs about death, expression of emotion, attitude towards mental health treatments, etc.) that is particular to your cultural group (defined loosely, not necessarily based on a geographical location) and that you find interesting and meaningful. Review at least two scientific sources in psychology, located via PsychInfo, that may help you to shed light on the topic. Interview your parent/someone who knew you as a child, or grew up in the cultural community that your topic is about. In your paper, include the following:

1. Comprehensive review of the scientific literature (at least two scientific sources – either articles or book chapters) on the chosen topic (note that the literature does not have to deal with your specific culture, but should be able to shed some light on your topic). Review the findings of the past research and explain what they say about the psychology of people in this cultural group. You can also discuss socio-historical circumstances that may have shaped the mentality of people in the culture.

2. Description of what you have learned from the interview. With your interviewee, you can discuss some themes that came up in your literature review, but also ask them about specific socialization practices that have shaped your way of being and thinking in a particular way. Include at least one direct quote from the interview (but don’t overquote).

3. Reflection on the ways that growing up in your culture have affected you (keep the focus on your topic). In your reflection, integrate the information that you have learned from the research and interview with your own thoughts and intuitions. Are there some inconsistencies between these different sources of information? You can also discuss the complexities of identifying or fitting in with a particular cultural group, heterogeneity of beliefs withing the culture, and the way you may have embraced or resisted some aspects of your culture.

Additional information:

I forgot to mention my culture would be Latino/ Hispanic/Dominican

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Psychology
Course code:
Beliefs about Death among Latino/ Hispanic/Dominican
The Latino/Hispanic view of death is largely centered on Christian teachings. However, the Latino community observes one holiday that is hardly celebrated in other cultures. The holiday, El Dia de Los Muertos, is celebrated throughout Hispanic communities to honor the lives of the deceased family members (Brandes, 2003). The living takes food and other symbols to the gravesite and celebrates them with Calaveras on newspapers. Calaveras are short epitaphs that mock the shortcomings of the victims. The Calaveras are imbued with a mixture of humor and aggression. These rituals and observations show that the Latino/Hispanic people, while they revere death, also believe in the continuity of life according to their Christian teachings. Death is seen as an extension of life in some Latino cultures, a belief that seems to assist positively in the grieving process (Munet-Vilaró F, 1998). Viewing death as an extension of life helps the living to come to terms with the demise of a loved one. The rituals such as El Dia de Los Muertos that involve sharing food with the dead and other gifts at their gravesites show that death is an extension of life.
I interviewed my grandmother, who is living in a hospice. Her view of death seemed to gravitate towards accepting the inevitability of death. She seemed to accept that death is inevitable and wished that we would let her go when her time comes. She was also somehow dismissive of the El Dia de Los Muertos. She said, “You do not have to come to visit my grave every year and bring me food.” When ...
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