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Autism Spectrum Disorder Case Study: Molly

Essay Instructions:


The development of behavior skills, social skills, cognitive skills, and sensory-motor skills are important pieces of a typical early childhood environment. Encouraging the growth of these necessary skills in our young children with ASD is an important step in their development.

Scenario: ASD Case Study: Molly

Molly is a 4-year-old preschool child with ASD and significant expressive and receptive language deficits. She seldom uses her language spontaneously to communicate with peers and teachers. She has a difficult time following directions and transitioning from one activity to the next. Molly is very fearful of social situations and often avoids social interactions. Molly spends the vast majority of her time on the playground alone with little peer interaction. Molly engages in stereotypical behaviors such as hand flapping, vocalizations, and eye gazing. She has been noted to slap herself in the head and has recently begun slapping parents and teachers. Molly is noted to have a short attention span, poor motor coordination, difficulty tying her shoes and managing snaps and buttons, and sensory-seeking needs.

Assignment Directions

Based on the above case study of Molly, you will write a 2–3-page informative essay that analyzes how Molly’s behavior, social skills, cognitive skills, and sensory-motor skills can be addressed. This essay should include specific examples of strategies and environmental supports that would be beneficial for Molly given her identified individual needs. Be sure to address all four areas of need (behavior, social, cognitive, sensory-motor).


Briefly summarize the case study and identify how this paper will help address Molly’s needs in behavior, social/emotional, cognitive, and sensory-motor skills.

Behavior Skills

Analyze how Molly's behavioral skills can be addressed in the typical early childhood environment.

Include specific examples of strategies and environmental supports that would be beneficial for Molly given her identified individual needs.

Social/Emotional Skills

Analyze how Molly's social/emotional skills can be addressed in the typical early childhood environment.

Include specific examples of strategies and environmental supports that would be beneficial for Molly given her identified individual needs.

Cognitive Skills

Analyze how Molly's cognitive skills can be addressed in the typical early childhood environment.

Include specific examples of strategies and environmental supports that would be beneficial for Molly given her identified individual needs.

Sensory-Motor Skills

Analyze how Molly's sensory-motor skills can be addressed in the typical early childhood environment.

Include specific examples of strategies and environmental supports that would be beneficial for Molly given her identified individual needs.


Link the strategies and supports you have provided above to illustrate the characteristics of the recommended learning environment for Molly.

Assignment Guidelines

Your assignment should include the following elements:

Title page: Provide your name, section number, and date.

Body: In 2 to 3 pages, answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.

Your responses should reflect professional writing standards using proper tone and language and be free of spelling and grammatical errors. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate and reflect knowledge of early childhood education theories and practices.

Reference page: Sources in APA format

Please include at least two different references in your responses.

Your full references should be listed alphabetically on the reference page.

Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left-aligned.

Use standard 1" margins on all sides.

Use current APA formatting and citation style throughout your paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Autism Spectrum Disorder Case Study: Molly
Molly, a four-year-old, has autism characterized by a deficit in social and communication interactions and a restricted pattern of activities, behavior, and interests (CDC, 2022). Molly is primarily echolalia. She exhibits stereotypical behaviors such as hand flapping, eye gazing, and vocalization. In addition, Molly has been noted to slap herself, teachers, and parents reflecting no emotions making it challenging for her peers and teachers to cope. Thus, to help Molly, a unique analysis of her strength, weaknesses, and particular needs in each aspect of her life is crucial. This includes sensory skills, behavioral skills, social/emotional skills, and cognitive skills. 
Thus, analyzing her characteristic is crucial for long-term success in developing strategies and an environment to help Molly. Essentially, establishing an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for Molly is significant. An IEP is a plan developed by teachers and parents to help special kids learn and achieve specific goals. It comprises a team of speech therapists, parents, teachers, school principal, and counselor who establishes the child's short- and long-term goals. Thus, to help Molly, the team should work together to develop the services she needs and her unique educational need. Additionally, the team should conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA), a problem-solving process of observing and collecting data to understand and evaluate Molly's behavior. In addition, FBA helps in determining the relationship between events in the environment and the occurrence of the behavior in the picture (StephanieP, 2019). 
Behavior Skills
Molly exhibited stereotypical behaviors such as hand flapping, eye gazing, and vocalization and was noted to slap herself in the head. In addition, she recently began to slap her parents and teachers. It can be deduced that Molly is acting out of frustration that she cannot be understood by her peers, teachers, and parents, stemming to her receptive and expressive language deficit.in addition, she feels confused as she cannot understand communication between her peers, teachers, and parents. Behavioral skills are abilities that influence how an individual interacts with others and respond to different situations. In this case, Molly is responding to not being understood or understanding others by exhibiting stereotypical behaviors and slapping herself and others to communicate. Thus to help Molly, the classroom should provide an environment conducive for her to understand what is happening. 
First, labeling the classroom will improve visual learning for Molly and comprehension of the surrounding. This can be done using cards or charts. Second, the teacher and parents should encourage Molly to use drawings to communicate her emotions. Gradually, she will get used to visual learning and finally can communicate back and forth with her peers. In addition, applying Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) therapy in the classroom would be crucial to addressing Molly's behavioral skills. This involves working one-on-one with a practitioner to acquire desired social behavior. 
Social/Emotional Sk...
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