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Attachment Styles, Psychosocial Development, Erikson’s Stages, and Theories of Personality

Essay Instructions:

Psychology learning outcomes and answers

(Keep the question headings for ALL the topics found below; if the question does not apply to the concept or theory, skip the question)

(Use APA7 guidelines when preparing the answer)

Attachment Styles

  1. 1.     Define and describe attachment styles. Why it occurs and how it is evident in real life situations.
  1. 2.     Discuss and apply the concept, theory, principles shown above (attachment styles) to explain feelings, mental processes and behaviours in our daily life.
  1. 3      If your concept, theory, principles, etc (for example, Piaget's stages of development) has more than one or more stages, describe the differences between them. In there, you need to describe the differences between the attachment styles.
  1. 4.     Discuss any criticisms against the concept or theory. Use theoretical and empirical evidence to support your argument in this critical review and analysis.
  1. 5.     Using your understanding of the concept or theory above, explain what cognitive and behavioural changes would appear in a person if the concept or theory was applied in his/her daily life.
  1. 6.     Apply your understanding of the concept or theory, discuss 2 other similar common concepts which students often misunderstood with the concept or theory above (attachment style).

(Give examples to support your answers for all the above questions)

After you finish attachment styles, proceed with the following topics with the same SIX questions. Skip one or two etc. out of the SIX questions if it is not applicable for the concept, theories etc.

Psychosocial development (parenting styles)

Erikson’s stages

Four theories of personality.

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Attachment styles

Define and Describe Attachment Styles

In definition, attachment style refers to the emotional bonds or connections that are established between individuals. In most cases, it is described in the context of the caregiver and infant relationships (Del Giudice, 2019). Attachment theory argues that early experiences with caregivers shape individuals' behavior and expectations. There are four main types of attachment styles: secure attachment, anxious attachment, ambivalent attachment, and avoidant attachment.

Discuss and Apply Attachment Styles

Attachment styles have a significant impact on an individual's feelings and mental processes as well as impacting the behavior daily. An example is that an individual who experienced secure attachment will have trust and openness behaviors, hence an ease in forming relationships. Secure attachment promotes positive interactions and strengthens emotional well-being (Del Giudice, 2019). Avoidance attachment style makes one have an emotional distance, often keeping to themselves and can trigger stress and anxiety, hence mental health disorders.

Describe the Differences in Attachment Styles

The differences between the four styles of attachment are as follows. Secure attachment breeds comfort with closeness and an individual having autonomy. In anxious, ambivalent attachment styles, individuals often seek closeness but fear rejection (Feldman, 2019). Avoidant, dismissive individuals constantly prioritize independence and will avoid getting any emotional closeness (Del Giudice, 2019). The fearful, avoidant, or disorganized attachment causes an individual to fear vulnerability. These differences determine how individuals form relationships.

Criticism Against Attachment Styles

Some critics argue against attachment theory by highlighting that attachment theory oversimplifies complex human relationships. Further, the critics say that attachment theory focuses more on earlier experience, limiting the application, especially in addressing cultural variations. There is a need to understand the dynamics of attachment theory further.

Application in Daily Life

Attachment theory

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