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Assimilation, Internal Locus of Control, Learned Helplessness, and Observational Learning

Essay Instructions:

Question 1

Demonstrate your understanding of the following FOUR concepts by describing and applying them to develop an original cohesive story (fictitious or real). Indicate each concept applied within brackets and in bold font (like this) after the relevant segment of your story where it is illustrated. [200-300 word limit for the story]

  • Assimilation
  • Internal locus of control
  • Learned helplessness
  • Observational learning

Sample story using 2 concepts (not related to Q1) as an example for your reference: Tyranny of choice, hallucination

I developed depression ever since the pandemic started and the lockdown forced everyone to stay home. I lost my job as a waitress and as I live alone, I do not have any human interaction on a day-to-day basis. Then I started hearing voices. At first, I thought it was the neighbours, but the voices got louder and they started calling my name and kept telling me to jump out the window (hallucination). I decided to distract myself from the voices by going online to shop. I went on AliExpress to look for face masks and there were so many different types and so many nice designs to choose from! After scrolling screen after screen, there were so many that I wanted to buy that I could not decide which ones to choose! (tyranny of choice).

Note: Do not present a jumbled up story and conclude that it was a bad dream.

(40 marks)

Question 2

a)      Max is asked to check his junior, Tom’s, work. Max notices several errors in Tom’s work, and reports this to his own supervisor, as he was instructed to. As a result, Max is asked to double-check all of Tom’s work, which adds many hours to his own workload. Use you understanding of reinforcement and punishment to discuss whether or not Max is likely to report any new errors when he is checking Tom’s work in the future, and whether or not Tom is likely to be more careful in future work.

(15 marks)

b)      Zane receives a letter from the traffic police and is given a fine and demerit points for beating a red light. However, Zane does not recall such an incident, and has to check with his family members to see if anyone else was driving the family car on the date of the offence, which was about two weeks ago. Explain how this incident highlights one of the problems of punishment, and identify any TWO other issues with using punishment in the context of punishing traffic offences.

(15 marks)

Question 3

a)      Bob flips through his organiser and spots an important presentation that he is scheduled to deliver tomorrow. He had completely forgotten about it until this moment, and feels a great deal of fear and anxiety. Use the James-Lange and Cannon-Bard models of emotion to explain Bob's emotional experience in this situation.

(15 marks)

b)      The following day, Bob struggles through the presentation. He heads out afterwards for lunch with a colleague. During lunch, the colleague makes a teasing comment which Bob would ordinarily brush off, but today Bob reacts very strongly to the comment. Discuss how we can explain Bob’s behaviour at lunch, using the two- factor theory of emotion.

(15 marks)

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Question one

Robert, a Latin American born and raised in a Latino background, lives in the USA with his wife, Olivia, and one biological kid, Robinson. The family living styles are those with Latino cultural norms such as respect for religion, familyism, and traditional gender roles. The family adopts Maurice, a fourteen-year-old boy from a Black African background who loves rap music. As time goes by and Maurice gets to eighteen years old, he has fully transformed into the Latino cultural values and traditions and no longer finds passion in rapping music (Assimilation).

However, Maurice had a strong internal locus of control despite Roberts's relatives and friends discriminating against him due to his racial background. Maurice experienced a lot of challenges as he tried to fit into the family as he loved his adoptive parents. Therefore, he passionately learned the adaptive parent's cultural norms, besides taking part in community activities and having close Latino friends in school. He believed if he acted as part of the Roberts family, then everyone would finally accept him as part of it (Internal locus of control).

Meanwhile, Robinson has been using drugs behind his parents' backs. Maurice learned his brother had been under the influence of drugs due to the wrong

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