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Assignment 1. The Science of Psychology. Psychology Essay

Essay Instructions:

Below is a sample assignment that I’ve created to serve as an example for an “excellent” submission on assignment 1. As you can see, it is relatively short, but you’ll need to understand how to cite in APA style (question #2) as well as how to properly identify the research design used in your article (#3).  Smith, T., Wilson, J., & Dunn, K. (2014). Employee award programs reduce productivity. The Journal of Organizational Psychology, 53(2), 122-134. 3. This study used an experimental study design. It's experimental because they manipulated whether there was an award program and then compared how productive the employees were before (control group) and after the award program was put in place (experimental group). 
The Science of Psychology


Goal: To orient you to the process of locating and citing peer-reviewed research in the field of psychology, as well as to apply your emerging understanding of research methods in psychology. Your task 1. Using any of the Psychology Research databases available through MCC’s library website (http://libguides(dot)middlesex(dot)mass(dot)edu/psychology; also, see video instructions online), locate a peer-reviewed, full-text research article (appearing in academic research journal). The article can be on any topic that would be of interest to you. Using a non-psychology database will result in a 5 point deduction. 2. Cite the source using APA formatting (not MLA, not ASA, etc.). Use the handout I have posted online as a guide (or the video guide). You can also use the MCC library’s Noodlebib program if you feel comfortable doing so. Oh, and you can come talk to me about this as well (it’s no trouble, honestly)! This part should be an easy 10 points for you. 3. If you haven’t already open up your chosen article and skim through until you reach the METHODS section. All original studies have this section (appearing just after the introductory portion of the article). If your article does not have a Methods section, you must select another article. Quick tutorial: What is a Methods Section? When you open up a research article, you will find that it is broken down into four key sections, almost always labeled as follows: introduction, methods, results, and conclusion. Sometimes the titles of those sections will vary slightly (e.g., the methods section might be referred to as methodology), but if the article is about original research, those 4 sections will be there.  As for the methods section itself, this is a section of the article that explains who the participants are, what the procedures were, what the variables were, and so on. That is, in the methods section you can read about what type of research design was used and exactly what they did in the study with the participants. 3.1. After reading the Methods section, apply what you’ve learned so far by identifying the type of research design used in the article (you must choose one of the designs we’ve covered in class). We’ve covered designs such as experimental, correlational, and case study, for example.  3.2. Also, be sure to explain why you think the design you’ve chosen is the correct one (e.g., if it’s experimental, what are the experimental and control groups?; if it’s correlational, what are the variables being correlated?) The Science of PsychologyThis assignment will be graded according to the following rubric:  Total: 20 points Below expectations 1 2 Average 3 4 Excellent 5 Citations & source 10 points 1. Works cited citation is present, but ignore APA style formatting rules. 2. The source is not from a peer-reviewed research journal. 1. Works cited citation (APA style) contains a few, small errors. 2. The source used is from a peer-reviewed research journal. 1. Works cited citation is done in accordance with APA style. 2. The source used is from a peer-reviewed research journal.Identifying research design 10 points1. Does not accurately identify the type of research design used in the study. 2. The explanation for the student’s labeling of the study’s design is missing, inaccurate, or completely unclear.1. Identifies the research design used, but there is a small error (e.g., student seems to understand what design was used but applies the wrong label/term). 2. The reasoning for the student’s labeling of the study’s design may contain some inaccuracies or lack clarity.1. Accurately identifies the type of research design used in the study. 2. The explanation for the student’s labeling of the study’s design is accurate and clear.

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Assignment 1
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Assignment 1
Kleemans, M., Daalmans, S., Carbaat, I., & Anschütz, D. (2016). Picture Perfect: The Direct Effect of Manipulated Instagram Photos on Body Image in Adolescent Girls. Media Psychology, 21(1), 93-110. doi: 10.1080/15213269.2016.1257392
The study above used an experimental study design. The research aimed at investigating whether manipulated Instagram photos had an adverse effect on the body image of fem...
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