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Assessment Options in Clinical Psychology

Essay Instructions:

Assessment of clients encompasses a broad range of skills and tasks. In preparation for this assignment you will investigate a range of skills and assessment tasks and explain which would be utilized in two distinct positions, of your choosing. To prepare for writing the paper, first carefully review the course materials on this topic. Then conduct your own research to deepen your understanding of how these skills and tasks are utilized in the field of clinical psychology.

Begin a 2-3-page expository essay by explaining the difference between screening and assessment. Then explain how a test differs from the overall process of assessment.

Next, for each of the following skills and tasks explain what is involved, and provide at least two examples of how/where each would be used in clinical practice. For those that can be utilized in undergraduate level positions, one example should be in an undergraduate level position and one in a graduate level position. Be sure to support your explanation with scholarly references.

Active listening

Open/closed questions


Clinical interviewing


Foundational components of the diagnostic process

Finally, choose one of your examples and explain how concepts of multiculturalism and diversity would apply in that example. Describe how a clinician could act as an agent of change for a client, by properly relating in a culturally appropriate manner.

The paper should include support from the textbook and at least two additional scholarly sources. Be sure to support your explanation with scholarly references.

***** I need you to use the following book "Clinical Psychology: Science, Practice and diversity" by Andrew M. Pomerantz******

should include the following elements:

Title page: Provide your name, title of assignment, course and section number, and date.

Body: Answer all the questions in complete sentences and paragraphs.

Your responses should reflect professional writing standards, using proper tone and language. The writing and writing style should be correct and accurate, and reflect knowledge of skills and practice in the human service profession.

Reference page: Sources listed in APA format.

Include support from the textbook and at least two additional scholarly sources. Be sure to support your explanation with scholarly references.

Use Arial or Times New Roman 12-point font, double-spaced and left aligned.

Use standard 1" margins on all sides.

Use APA formatting and citation style.

**** I attached the rubrics****

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Assessment Options in Clinical Psychology
Student’s Name
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name
Assessment Options in Clinical Psychology
Difference between Screening and Assessment
Clinical psychology is comprehensive healthcare that encompasses a wide scope of skills to make it effective. Two of those skills work hand in hand and are sometimes used interchangeably: screening and assessment. Screening refers to the process of identifying the presence of a particular condition or disorder (APA Services, Inc., 2014). Overall, it is often brief and narrow in scope and can establish the need for further evaluation or intervention. On the other hand, assessment is comprehensive and provides a more complete picture of an individual's clinical outlook. It can help professionals identify and indicate the severity of psychological problems and provide treatment recommendations. Assessment techniques get validity by measuring what they claim to measure (Pomerantz, 2020). They should also be reliable with the capacity to provide clinical utility.
In psychology, testing refers to designing a set of standardized questions, problems, or tasks to elicit responses. It enables professionals to measure the cognitive functioning or impairment of individuals (Pomerantz, 2020). Assessment, though a bit different, complements testing by determining the severity of the results provided by testing and recommending the most appropriate interventions.
Active Listening
Active listening is a communication skill that involves listening closely to understand the meaning and the intention of what is being communicated. Active listening entails being present, asking pertinent questions, and showing interest, among other skills. To psychiatrists, active listening helps them during therapy since they can listen and ask questions to fully comprehend the emotions of clients (APA, n.d.). Similarly, undergraduate students can practice active listening while in the classroom by posing questions to their instructors to get a deeper meaning of what they learn.
Open/Closed Questions
In psychology, sometimes, professionals ask their clients questions that require explanations. These are known as open questions. For instance, a professional may ask a client to explain how a particular condition has manifested itself. On the other hand, closed questions require one-word answers, mostly a yes or no (Changing Minds, n.d.). They are usually easy to answer and provide facts from the respondents. For example, during an internship, an undergraduate may ask for a client's age. That is an open question since it does not require an explanation.
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