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The Relationship Between Bereavement and Depressive Symptoms

Essay Instructions:

Articles must be from a recent scientific psychology journal (within past 5 years). • Journal hardcopies are located on the 1st floor shelves of the Science Library near the copy machines. • Electronic journals are available through the Binghamton Library web site. • The article must be a primary research article (must contain “Method”, “Results”, and “Discussion” sections). • No review papers or meta-analyses. • Articles from Psychology Today DO NOT QUALIFY.• Summaries should address the questions listed in the Research

Participation Guidelines.

• Paragraph Format

• 1 Page

• Single-Spaced

• 12 pt Times New Roman font

• 1-Inch Margins

• Failure to comply with these standards will result in 0 credit.

• Include a cover page containing:

• Your Name

• Your B#

• Course Number & Section

• Instructor’s Name

• APA-Style Reference

• It is your responsibility to know the rules regarding academic

dishonesty and plagiarism.

• All article summaries will be submitted via turnitin

How many credits & pages is an article summary?

Your document will consist of 3 pages in a Microsoft Word document. Page 1: Cover page with identifying information (name, B #, course and section #, title, APA reference, etc). Page 2: The article summary can be only 1 SINGLE-SPACED page, no more and no less! Page 3: A legible copy of the first page of the manuscript. Each article summary earns you 1 credit, no more and no less!

Articles should be no older than five years, e.g. it is currently 2018, therefore the oldest year you can choose an article from to write on is 2013.

Brain and Cognition

Brain and Language


Cognitive Psychology

Cognitive Science

Cognitive Therapy and Research

Behavioral Neuroscience

Behavioral Processes

Development and Psychopathology

Journal of Abnormal Psychiatry

Journal of Abnormal Psychology

Journal of Applied Cognitive Psychology

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance

Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory and Cognition

Journal of Memory and Language

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research

Language and Cognitive Processes

Learning and Behavior

Learning and Motivation


Memory & Cognition

Perception and Psychophysics

Psychological Bulletin

Psychological Bulletin & Review

Psychological Research

Psychological Review

Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your NameCourse NumberCourse SectionInstructor’s Name
The article that was chosen investigates the relationship that exists between bereavement and the depressive symptoms that are observed in people. The study involved 1,532 married men and women who were aged between 65 years or older. The individuals who lost their spouse were interviewed to get their views on their state of life before and after they had lost their partner. There were two interviews that were carried out and they were labeled in the form of waves that is Wave 1 and Wave 2. There were 241 widows and 274 controls who were included in the analytic sample. The findings from the interviewed were later combined and matched according to the age and the gender of the parties involved. The information obtained was taken through a statistical analysis to get the exact data from the results that were obtained from the study. The data that was obtained from the research was taken through two different competing hypotheses that offered an explanation on the ways in which bereavement leads to depression among the couples. The first hypothesis suggested that bereavement has an indirect relationship with depressive symptoms and it operates on a latent variable. The other assumption is that the symptoms of depression are due to bereavement and it occurs through a networking model.
The results that were obtained from the research showed that mental health problems that are observed in patients are due to the various problems that they experience while they are undergoing treatment. The ...
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