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Are Repressed and Recovered Memories Valid Phenomena?

Essay Instructions:

Paper Guidelines Controversial Issues in Psychology: This paper will be your chance to become more familiar with a particular topic in the field of abnormal psychology that continues to be a topic of controversy and ongoing discussion. A list of controversies are provided below Some current debates / controversies in the field of Abnormal Psychology ● Are repressed and recovered memories valid phenomena? ● Is Dissociative Identity Disorder a valid diagnosis? ● Is Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder a mental illness? ● Is EMDR a useful treatment or is it a “bogus” treatment? (Are the eye movements a necessary part of the therapy?) ● Can sex offenders be “rehabilitated”? ● Proliferation of ADHD medication for children: Argument for / against its increased use ● Online therapy versus in-person therapy: Risks and benefits ● Harm reduction model versus abstinence model for alcohol and / or drug use ● Does dissociative identity disorder (used to be called multiple personality disorder) actually exist?: Evidence for its existence versus evidence against ● Psychiatric testing is legally mandated for only two surgeries: Sex / gender reassignment surgery and Bariatric surgery. Are you for or against psychological / psychiatric testing for these two medical procedures? ● Should we still use psychosurgery given its experimental nature and potential major side effects? ● The bereavement debate: In the previous DSM (the DSM IV) you would not be diagnosed with clinical depression if your symptoms were due to the recent loss of someone close to you (called bereavement). This has changed in the DSM V so that now, if your depressive symptoms are due to recent loss, you may be diagnosed with major depression. ● Is it ok or not ok for psychologist to have prescription privileges- currently other than medical doctors / staff-only certain psychologists in the military are allowed to prescribe medication. The vast majority of psychologists are not allowed to prescribe medication ● Are the potential benefits of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) worth the risks?

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Are Repressed and Recovered Memories Valid Phenomena?
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Are Repressed and Recovered Memories Valid Phenomena?
Repressed memories, or avoiding memories of traumatic events, is considered regular coping, but whether people can suppress memories and recover them later is debatable. Some people experience painful events and try to avoid the events’ memory in response to what happened. It is still controversial whether or not a person represses the memory of a traumatic event and retrieves it later or whether this phenomenon belongs to false memory syndrome. This article covers two perspectives on repressed memory analysis by exploring the facts and arguments presented by both sides in light of primary ethical considerations. Finally, the paper chooses which side the authors identify with and which supports contemporary research.
Detailed Description of Two Opposing Arguments
John Kihlstrom presents the first argument that claims of memory suppression and recovery are nothing more than medical folklore without scientific research or evidence (Kihlstrom, 2022). The sociologist argues that emotional stimulation caused by traumatic experiences can lead to the release of memory-enhancing stress hormones. Based on this, Kihlstrom presents that a traumatic event may trigger a vivid memory rather than a repressed memory (Kihlstrom, 2022). Its proponents include Lisa Butler, Steven Smith, David Greaves, and David Spiegel, who argue that severe stress can sometimes suppress a person’s memory and restore it later.
Kihlstrom believes that persuasive therapists, combined with popular media, can trigger repressed memories that people think they can recover later (Kihlstrom, 2020). Kihlstrom argues that because journalists often have a more tangible sense of responsibility than psychotherapists who claim to help recover blocked memories, there is so much evidence of false memories in the media that there is no reason to discredit these claims.
On the other hand, the studies of E. Loftus and other scientists make it possible to refute the psychotherapeutic doctrine, according to which repressed memories of traumas received in childhood determine a person’s behaviour and cause neurosis in him (Loftus & Teitcher, 2019). In particular, the research presented by Elizabeth Loftus describes the many factors that lead people to trust their therapists and restore repressed memories
As Elizabeth Loftus (2002) points out, in many places, the pros outweigh the cons, many are exonerated from DNA evidence after witness statements are condemned, and human memory is often imprecise (Loftus & Teitcher, 2019). False memories can also be implanted. Loftus argues that people form a perfect memory of an event by connecting what they saw or experienced with what they talked about afterward.
People who learn about events after they happened are generally more likely to incorporate them into their memories of whether they actually happened (Nichols & Loftus, 2019). This research proves futile in attempting to confirm claims of false memory based on anecdotal reports rather than empirical data. It claims that most false memory reports come from people who are falsely accused of sexual abuse or withdrawal (Davis & Loftus, 2019). While false memories have been shown to take hold, these events involve everyday, stress-free events, making people less likely to form false memories of a traumatic situation.
Ethical Considerations Involved in the Arguments
The American Psychological Association (2002) specified specific ethical principles valuable in discussing psychological events in the United States. These principles include Beneficence and Non-maleficence, Fidelity and Responsibility, Integrity, Justice, and Respect for People’s Rights and Dignity. The ethical principles of beneficence and non-maleficence can be implemented in the current debate on repressed and recovere...
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