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Abnormality and the Presence of Mental Illness

Essay Instructions:

When analyzing behavior, it is important to take into account multiple influences — the norms of society at the time, unique cultural traditions and behaviors, as well as the context of the situation. These considerations determine how we define abnormality. For example, if I am at the grocery store, and experience extreme paranoia that everyone there is out to hurt me, this would be considered abnormal behavior. However, if you change the context, and a person at the grocery store is running wildly down the aisles physically harming anyone they see, my fear is rational based on the situation. A few years ago, you may have seen someone wearing a face mask and considered it abnormal, but after COVID, this behavior was normalized due to the global pandemic.

Attitudes toward mental health will vary among families, cultures, and ethnicities. Cultural norms and understanding influence the nature of mental illness and shape attitudes toward mental health treatment. Understanding these unique viewpoints allows practitioners to develop more effective treatment approaches and decreases social stigma of behaviors that one may consider abnormal simply because they do not understand or take into account sociocultural influences.

In a 2- to 3-page APA formatted paper, address the following topics

How would you define abnormal?

Using the criteria in the text, discuss how psychologists determine if a mental illness is present based on abnormal behaviors, personality traits, or cognition.

Using at least one scholarly resource, discuss a behavior, personality trait, or cognition (thought or idea) that would be considered normal because of the context of the situation or sociocultural norms but abnormal to an outsider looking in. Discuss how an individual may interpret that behavior, personality trait, cognition (thought or idea) who was not a part of the culture or unfamiliar with the context of the situation.

For example, in some Central and South American native tribes, adolescents engage in cutting behavior on their arms as a part of an initiation rite, leaving scars on their bodies. This is considered a normal and expected behavior in this culture, whereas in the United States, cutting is often seen as a symptom of a personality disorder. Discuss the behavior and the cultural or social norm or influence on categorizing or perceiving the behavior as normal or abnormal.

Another criterion that has been suggested for defining abnormality is that abnormal behavior violates the standards of society. This means that those who do not follow conventional and moral rules of society should be considered abnormal. Discuss how this suggested definition is controversial as it relates to our modern and diverse society.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion: Abnormal Psychology
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Mental Health Attitudes
The term abnormality is a complex and multifaceted idea. It requires the consideration of several factors, such as societal norms, cultural traditions, and the context of a particular situation. Abnormal behavior is defined as behavior that deviates from what is usual within society or culture (encyclopedia.pub, 2022). However, definitions of normality are constantly evolving and influenced by various social, cultural, and environmental factors. Thence, one should take a holistic approach when defining abnormality, considering the unique experiences and perspectives of the individual and the larger sociocultural context. Therefore, the constitution of abnormal behavior can be better understood by developing more culturally sensitive approaches to victim treatment given multiple influences and inspecting behavior within a broader framework.
From the psychological perspective, the presence of a mental illness based on a combination of irregular behaviors, personality traits, and cognition can be determined. One could distinguish mental illness through multiple influences, such as societal norms at the time, peculiar traditions and behaviors, and the situational context. Therefore, considering how much a person’s behavior deviates from the ordinary is vital. Atypical behavior is often assessed by comparing an individual's behavior to others in the same cultural group and similar circumstances (Kelland, 2018). If an individual's conduct is pointedly different from the norm, it may be considered abnormal and indicative of a mental illness. Also, one can deliberate on personality traits and cognition. For instance, if a person exhibits extreme paranoia, it could indicate a mental illness. Yet, if the paranoia is based on rational fear, maybe fueled by a perilous circumstance, the person may be considered normal. Another instance could be someone exhibiting eccentric personality traits that do not interfere with their daily functioning. The individual may not be assumed to display mental illness (Raihani & Bell, 2018). Finally, context is also a factor, with psychologists analyzing a situation when determining if a mental illness is present. An instance is when an individual exhibits abnormal behavior in a stressful circumstance. The behavior may be regarded as a normal response to the situation and not indicative of a mental illness.
When analyzing behavior, it is crucial to consider the cultural and social norms that influence an individual's actions. For instance, the cutting behavior among Central and South American native tribes requires understanding the cultural context. For these tribes, cutting is an expected part of initiation rites; hence, not perceive...
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