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A Letter Responding to Xavier’s Grandmother

Essay Instructions:

Xavier is a three-year-old child who was just diagnosed with autism. He has never had functional language and exhibits frequent tantrums in the form of crying, hitting, and throwing items. Xavier recently began receiving ABA therapy and is your new client. Xavier’s grandmother is his guardian and wants his therapist to focus on teaching him the alphabet, shapes, colors, and numbers.

In this assignment, write a letter responding to Xavier’s grandmother and include the following:

-An analysis of the importance of teaching manding skills to Xavier first.

-The benefits of teaching mands.

-An explanation of how teaching mands leads to developing skills in other areas of development.

-An explanation of the relationship between manding and challenging behaviors.

-Be sure to provide your responses in a way that is respectful and supportive of Xavier’s grandmother.

APA formattin Xavier is a three-year-old child who was just diagnosed with autism. He has never had functional language and exhibits frequent tantrums in the form of crying, hitting, and throwing items. Xavier recently began receiving ABA therapy and is your new client. Xavier’s grandmother is his guardian and wants his therapist to focus on teaching him the alphabet, shapes, colors, and numbers.

In this assignment, write a letter responding to Xavier’s grandmother and include the following:

An analysis of the importance of teaching manding skills to Xavier first.

The benefits of teaching mands.

An explanation of how teaching mands leads to developing skills in other areas of development.

An explanation of the relationship between manding and challenging behaviors.

Be sure to provide your responses in a way that is respectful and supportive of Xavier’s grandmother.

Assignment Requirements

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

*APA formatting

*Resources: 2

*Length: 2

Essay Sample Content Preview:
A Letter Responding to Xavier’s Grandmother
Dear Mrs.,
Greetings! I hope you are doing good. I am (Insert your name), and it is a pleasure to work with and assist you. I am also very excited to help your grandson, Xavier. You can be confident that Xavier will learn the alphabet, shapes, colors, and numbers as a result of this ABA therapy.
According to your observations and recounts, Xavier frequently tantrums by crying, hitting, and throwing items. Autistic children cannot communicate well; thus, Xavier lacks functional linguistic competence (Faiz et al., 2022). Fortunately, we can address these issues through ABA therapy. I will specifically assist Xavier in learning the importance of communication. He must learn to communicate with others, such as his classmates and teachers, and express his wants and needs clearly.
As much as I want to start teaching Xavier the alphabet, shapes, colors, and numbers right away, I should begin with mand. Manding is the process of requesting something desired or requesting that something end because it is unfavorable. Manding can assist in reducing Xavier’s undesirable behaviors (Carnett et al., 2019; Faiz et al., 2022). Also, mand training is the most natural strategy for teaching children with autism how to communicate (Faiz et al., 2022). So, if Xavier learns it is better to use oral language to request something, he will likely lessen throwing tantrums. In this manner, Xavier will also frequently communicate, thus, increasing his linguistic and communication skills. Therefore, teaching him how to mand will be beneficial for language acquisition that will help him learn the alphabet and the other lessons.
The mand training will develop Xavier’s linguistic, cognitive, social, and intrapersonal skills. It will improve Xavier’s linguistic and communication abilities. Xavier will learn how to express himself through words and gestures. For example, if he wants to play with the bal...
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