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hello to whom it may concern, for this assignment there are two things needed done. One is to complete the Disorder Matrix Sheet and then a 250-word reflection paper. Hence why I have two pages. The Directions are attached. thank you
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November 30, 2024
Symptoms and Cause
Treatment and Perspective
This illness has both positive symptoms like violations in signal sensitivity (mainly auditory), clear violations in unwarranted beliefs and incoherent speech, and negative ones which include the impairment of emotional response, social isolation, and apathy (Heinssen et al., 2024). There are other effects such as impaired memory and concentration, which are also general. The root of schizophrenia is not fully understood, but the risk factors include gene triggers, upset brain chemistry–dopamine and glutamate neurotransmitters, prenatal stress, and drug use.
Action and insight therapies were found to be a common form of treatment practice together with medication. CBT, an action therapy, is applied to treat hallucinations and delusions that patients may experience, while behavioral strategies target enhancing the patients’ functioning (Heinssen et al., 2024). Although insight-oriented psychodynamic therapy may give attention to the utilization and handling of emotions, it is less frequently utilized. Medications are usually needed to treat symptoms, and it may take years to be stable and need little help.
Major Depressive Disorder
MDD is characterized by the patient having had such symptoms as sadness or feelings of hopelessness and/or worthlessness or loss of interest in activities that used to interest the patient (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2022). Somatization: The common somatic complaints are fatigue, change in appetite or/and sleeping pattern, and psychomotor agitation or retardation. Some may be genetic, neurological, or biochemistry imbalances (like serotonin and dopamine), chronic stress, and loss or trauma.
Behaviour activation therapy nudges the patient into engaging in meaningful activities while cognitive behavioral therapy seeks to have the patient change the negative ways he/she thinks to possibly enhance mood. Self and other-oriented psychodynamic approaches such as psychoanalysis analyze themes from the past and psychodynamic approaches such as humanistic therapy stress the person’s potential (APA, 2022). Antidepressant drugs are usually given together with counseling for efficient treatment outcomes and one may need long-term follow-up for recurrent conditions.
Bipolar Disorder is characterized by affection or the depressive type and the depressive type (Miklowitz & Gitlin, 2024). In mania, the person has an elevated mood, increased self-activity, pressure to talk excessively, and decreased need for sleep; during depressive episodes, a patient may experience the same symptoms as those in patients with MDD. Like Bipolar I Disorder, Bipolar II requires that the sufferer experiences hypomania, a milder form of mania. It has been associated with genetic predisposition, and imbalances in the transmitters including serotonin and dopamine, and environmental factors.
Or mechanism of operating; for example, action therapies such as CBT assist in regulating swing moods and determining negative patterns of thinking. Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) targets regulating interpersonal ...
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