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Oceanic Impacts: Various Benefits and the Ecosystem

Essay Instructions:

Option #2: Oceanic Impacts
Humans have been utilizing the oceans for millennia. Discuss how influential the oceans are to humans, focusing on:
•Local economies and commerce
•International relationships
•The global economy
Note that it may be helpful to select one ocean as an example. Be sure to describe both positive and negative influences the oceans have on these subject areas.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
•Be 3-4 pages in length
•Cite 1-2 outside sources
•Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Oceanic Impacts
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Oceanic Impacts
Oceans and seas cover nearly three-quarter of Earth surface. Despite covering a large surface area on Earth, Oceans provide various benefits not only to humans but also to the ecosystem. It is believed that life began in oceans, without them life could not have been existing as it is today. According to UNCED regarding oceans, seas, and other adjacent coastal regions, "… forms an integrated whole that is an essential component of the global life-support system and a supportive asset that presents opportunities for sustainable development" (as quoted by Cicin-Sain, et al., 1998). Humans have been utilizing oceans in different ways as history can tell.
Since ancient times, humans have utilized oceans to earn a living. Oceans opened trade routes at the coastlines and lead people to migrate from inland to establish market centers along coastal regions. As the population grew significantly, the road networks were also improved to ease the transportation of goods from the main land to trade centers. Trade ties between the new traders and locals became strong and local traders earned a living out of it. The local communities also utilized oceans as their source of food. Sometimes they used to sell it to the traders or exchanged it with traders from the mainland (Kildow & McIlgorm, 2010). This contributed to the opening of the interior land to more opportunities. However, despite this benefits that came with ocean trade to the local communities, their local culture was eroded with that of the outside traders.
Oceans have also contributed to the strengthening of international relationships. Landlocked countries with the desire to strengthen their trade ties with outside countries use coastline countries to export or import their goods. The relationship between the landlocked and coastline countries must be good for them to allow them to use their ports for either export or import. The Indian Ocean has increased trade ties as major economies have shifted their interest to Asia and African continent as China and America are now scrambling for raw materials and open market for manufactured goods. Strong international relationship as Inland countries that import and export goods through oceans have to strengthen their diplomatic ties with those that have access to the coast to use their ports. However, there is increased international water boundary dispute, ...
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