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Geography assignment

Essay Instructions:
http://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/pages/frontline/heat/ please watch this video and answer the qestions that i will send via e-mail ..
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(4, October, 2010)
Geography assignment
This paper critically analyzes the movies “Heat” and answers ten questions all linked to emission of green house gases. Typically the paper examines climate change as a result of human activities.
Question 1
The notable impacts of climate change include rise in the sea level, melting of arctic sea ice, rise in sea-surface temperatures, melting of glaciers and permafrost, prevalence of heavy down pour leading to flooding, desertification due to extreme drought conditions, increase in average surface temperature, increase in strength and frequency of hurricanes, increase in frequency of heat waves and acidification of sea water as well as change in ecosystem negatively impacting on all living things. All these causes are directly or indirectly affect human lives, for instance, flooding and hurricanes causesing death, loss of property, diseases among other things.
Question 2
Every aspect of our lives directly or indirectly depends on fossil fuel so do our economy. Goods, services and movement of people have been made possible by relying on fossil fuel. It is such movement of goods, services/products and people that generate revenue. Businesses need goods to be manufactured and transported; all this require energy that largely comes from fossil. Without such source of energy, businesses will come to a stand still, rendering people jobless.
Question 3
As a process in which a given group of individuals under go through for instanced urbanization, industrialization as well as other societal changes, all aspect of human race changes. Issues such as over population in urban areas, constructions of manufacturing industries, clearing of land for either agriculture or for settlement or construction of roads and other structures, mechanization, use of chemical control measures in agriculture; all these has led to negative implications such as climate change, creation of illnesses that are a threat to human survival, driving animal as well as plant species to extinction. A time human face shortage in food supply causing malnutrition and even death.
Question 4
Initially, U.S was not a signatory to Kyoto protocol, but over time, between the protocol and the 2007 United Nations Climate Change Conference that was held in Bali. With IPCC making it clear beyond any reasonable doubt that global climate change is a reality and can cause very serious consequences and can only be successfully addressed from an international level, the US has put in place measures to cut down their emission rates, policies to foster use of climate-friendly innovations as well as financing mitigation measures as well as adopting to such changes. America is in the forefront to leading other nation to save the planet from global climate change.
Question 5
The expression “America is addicted to coal” which is a modification of what former president Bush said, “America is addicte...
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