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Geography Assignment

Essay Instructions:
Peter: same video as this one 00011405. Please take the order. Make the answers differ from each other and form the previous 2 orders. http://www(dot)pbs(dot)org/wgbh/pages/frontline/heat/ this is the video link , and im gonna send the questions.
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(06, October, 2010)
Geography Assignment
Question 1: Climate change leads to occur of hazardous conditions such as droughts, flooding. These causes death, spread of diseases, loss of property. In some cases, food become scarce leading to
Question 2: Business which is the back-bone of each and every economy relies on transportation, movement of people, manufacturing. Similarly our lives depend on fossil fuel in terms of energy generation for lighting, cooking as well s other activities for instance irrigation. Without such fuel energy, businesses will be no more bringing with it the negative consequences such s high prices for goods and services, low standard of human living (Bigelow, 2009). It is worth noting that globalization has been made possible largely because of fossil fuel.
Question 3: Developing countries always strive to catch up with their developed counter parts. In their efforts to modernize which include such processes as urbanization and industrialization, human race face a number of problems. Issues related to pollution usually emerge and bring with it negative implication such as spread of diseases, clearing of land to pave way to mechanized farming as well as other forms of construction ultimately leads to overcrowding as people move to cities with the hopes of getting better jobs.
Question 4: Although U.S was not a signatory to Kyoto protocol, this did not mean that she was not for the idea of cutting down emission of greenhouse gases (National Research Council, 2001). The country supported the idea and pledge full support in Bali during the UNCCC in 2007. This was arrived after IPCC revealing that issues to do with climate change is not a joke.
Question 5: “America is addicted to coal” is indeed not true although the country uses over 50% of coal to generate electricity. It is evident that efforts are being put in place and indeed some have already yielded fruit to developing other sources of renewable energy such as wind power, nuclear plants. Implementing clean coal is an expensive venture; complexity of the entire process makes it even more difficult. President Obama is for the idea of clean coal.
Question 6: Historically, automobiles maker have concentrated more on manufacturing luxurious vehicle. Later, developing fuel efficient vehicle came to their minds. This made them generate more revenue like never before as more American bought fuel efficient cars. Benefit to consumers is reduced cost of fuel.
Question 7: The oil industry hold the opinion that the renewable sources of energy will pose a great competition lowering prices per gallon. Similarly, having in mind that it negatively impacts on the environment and its reserve is dwindling, some welcome use of this new idea of renewable sources of energy
Question 8: Involvement of all relevant stakeholders will guarantee successful intervention on cutting down the negative impacts of fossil fuel. There are various alternative of attaining the same. Although corn based ethanol was thought to be an alternative to gasoline, it will not be practicable since the amount of carbon-dioxide it produces is much h...
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