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Different Videos about the Environment

Essay Instructions:
I need you to find and listen for 5 different videos about the environment, and write a summary for each. I choosed 5 pages, each page has the source of the video and its summary. I will attach you the syllabus to find videos related to the subjects that we've learned in the class such as climate change. I hope that you guys will finish it on time which mean after 6 hours.
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Different Videos about the Environment
Video 1: Human Impact on the Environment: /watch?v=0zPcR7wgh0c
The video "Human Impact on the Environment" shows on the effect of overpopulation which has been caused by increased draught and destruction of the ecosystem. Due to increased population it has increased human suffering and depletion of wildlife due to depletion of resources. As the population increases people have been clearing forest which act as water catchment areas. Once the water catchment areas are destroyed it is much difficult to reclaim it as it is being seen in the video (Epers. (2007).
There is likely hood of economy collapse due to destruction of the environment as it will not be in position to support any economic activities especially on those who depend on agriculture. The video does recommend that there is dare need of controlling the population and also put control over destruction of vegetation which is essential in support of life of human beings and animals. Destruction of vegetation is also resulting to poor air purifications as there are few trees. Hence, level of toxics and carbon dioxide in the air will keep on increasing if increase on population will keep on destroying the vegetation.
It is evident that with the increase of population there is high demand of energy and the most reliable source of energy and materials for building houses is wood. Therefore, there is need to seek other sources of energy to save the threes the most appropriate means of saving the trees is by use of renewable energy such as wind and sun which is also eco-friendly.
Video 2: Global Warming and Climate Change: http://news.discovery.com/videos/global-warming-videos/
The video "Global Warming and Climate Change" highlights on the causes of global warming and its effect in the environment. The video addresses on the five causes of Global Warming which are emission of carbon dioxide, methane emission from agriculture and animals, deforestation and usage of chemical in agriculture. Due to increased human activities in industries there has been an increase on carbon dioxide emissions from burning power plants. The video that electricity production and burning of coal account to almost 93 of carbon emissions. Increase on use of automobiles in developing countries has also been the main factor on production emission of carbon as well.
According to the video, methane which is being produced in greenhouses also contributes to global warming. When organic matters are breaking down especially under starved conditions it does produce carbon which causes global warming. Human being encroachment of the forests and cutting down of trees which causes deforestation when they are seeking for charcoal and wood are the main cause of deforestation which is evident in the movie which shows large chunks of land which were once were fully covered by tree vegetation. Use of agriculture chemicals in agriculture have also contributed to global warming as. There has been a lot of commercialized agriculture which necessitate use of chemicals to increase on agriculture production.
Video 3: Greenhouse gases and the Kyoto Protocol; /watch?v=2tO_aCRFLRc
The video discusses the impact of greenhouse gasses in the environment and the resolutions of the Kyoto protocol. Greenhouse gasses are gasses that can absorb and emit radiation in the atmosphere; some of them appear naturally such as carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, methane, and water vapor and some are industrial such as hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and sulfur hexafluoride (SF6). They are important in preventing the earth from freezing but when they are much their impact is an increased temperature on the earth; melting of the Arctic and ice caps and glaciers, rise in sea level and increased draughts and floods. The main caus...
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