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Microeconomics: US Home Sales Stumble as Prices Hit Record High

Essay Instructions:

Your task for this assignment is to find an article on any microeconomic topic. You are required to find an article that is relevant to microeconomics and make an argument in your analysis using appropriate economic terminology. Make sure you are referencing all appropriate sources. All sources have to be academic related as wilkipedia and investopedia are not academic related sources. Please read the paper grading rubric to find exactly how you are going to be assessed.

Here is the scoring rubric for your Paper. Please review this document, so you know what to expect when I am grading your assessment. 
Content and Organization 
Points Earned Comments: 

All key elements of the assignment are covered in a substantive way. 
•The paper is 1-2 pages. 
•proper use of economic terms
Transitions between paragraphs
Proper thesis
If you do not include the FULL article with no links, you will receive a reduction of 50 points. Also, you must submit your work as one document with both your paper and article.
The content is comprehensive, accurate, and /or persuasive. 
The paper develops a central theme or idea, directed toward the appropriate audience. 
The paper links theory to relevant examples of current experience and industry practice and uses the vocabulary of the theory correctly. 
Major points are stated clearly; are supported by specific details, examples, or analysis; and are organized logically. 
•Minimum of 2 data indicators 
The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. 
The conclusion is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points. 

Readability and Style Points Earned Comments: 

Paragraph transitions are present and logical and maintain the flow throughout the paper. 
The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment. 
Sentences are complete, clear, and concise. 
Sentences are well-constructed, with consistently strong, varied sentences. 
Sentence transitions are present and maintain the flow of thought. 

Mechanics Points Earned Comments: 

The paper, including the title page, reference page, tables, and appendices, follow appropriate guidelines for format. (apa formatting is required)
Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow appropriate guidelines. 
The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space. 
Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. 
Spelling is correct. 
FULL ARTICLE WITH NO LINKS AT THE END OF THE PAPER(after reference page, -50 points if not submitted as one document with no links)
Points Earned Comments: 

50 points for submitting one document that includes FULL article(copied and pasted) after reference page
50 points for apa formatting
100 points for content development

1. Pick an article that you find that interests you in microeconomics(examples includes: gas prices, food prices, housing prices, hybrid cars, supply of corn, ethanol production, elasticities, production possibility curves, market structures). The best place to find an article is in your local paper, cnn.com, or msnbc.com.
2. Divide your paper into 3-5 paragraphs. First paragraphs should consist of a summary of the article that you are evaluating. Second and third paragraphs should include an evaluation/analysis of the article using appropriate economic terminology that has been presented in the course. It is important to make sure that you are not summarizing in paragraphs 2-3. Paragraphs 4-5 should consist of recommendations of what you think should be done or your position on the topic given the author point of view. 
3. To submit the paper, you will need to copy your article into your paper after you bibliography page. Please note that APA is required for your work, which includes both your title page, reference page, and in-text citations. If you are having issues with APA formatting, you will need to contact the Writing Center.
4. Please make sure to plan early as no late work is accepted in the course. You will need to submit one document that includes both your article and paper. I would recommend that you start early to submit your work as you will not be able to submit your work late given the late policy in the course.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

US Home Sales Stumble as Prices Hit Record High
Student’s Name
US Home Sales Stumble as Prices Hit Record High
No nation or state has been able to quench its housing demands by its suppliers. The United States is not an exception. With an ever-growing population, the housing demand has steeply risen. Also, the availability of property has lessened causing an increase in the cost of housing. This paper seeks to review Lucy Mutikani’s article: US home sales stumble as prices hit record high published in Reuters on July 14, 2017.
In June 2016, Mutikani observes that first time purchasers are locked out of business when a shortage of houses coupled with high demand results in extremely high resale prices. For two years and counting, the obtainability of homes for trade has been critically low. The severe retrenchment in the construction industry, a shortage of land, a small supply of skilled labor and unavailability of building materials are a threat to the already lousy state of affairs. The paramount economist at Zillow articulates the rising demand as a promise of economic growth (Hagerty, 2007). A 1.8% drop in home sales experienced in the previous month, rounding off to 5.52 million annually occurred according to the National Association of Realtors. The asset scarcity resulted in the rise of house costs beyond the people’s earnings. Lack of skilled labor and unavailability of terrain have curtailed the urge to increase housing supply. Mathew Pointon, a property economist, states that the housing demand should remain high, though there is no assurance of sufficient amount in the coming months.
With the sky-rocketed house costs, there was a 7.1% drop in house sales over the last one year. A proceeding 6.5% increase saw average house prices at 0.26 million dollars. Several organizations registered a notable decrease in housing shares, according to the National Association of Realtors including D.R. Horton DHI N (0.2%) and Lennar Corp (0.18%). The weekly report states that the housing sector began regaining grounds at an 8.3% rate in June, a rate termed as below par. Housing catered for 50% of the state economic growth rate stabilizing the economy at the time. The period required to clear house stocks went down by six days. This attributed to the increase in labor propelled by unemployment. House sales accounted for approximately 32% of the total transactions in the previous month. Achieving the steady housing supply requires that the sales account for at least 40% of the monthly deals.
Feasibility studies for possible construction, land and sites are necessary if the US has to cater for housing demands fully. More land should be established, and the ability to construct houses with legit foundations explored to tackle the issue of scarcity of land. Provision of affordable technical training is also necessary to combat the unavailability of skilled labor. This will allow unemployed people to seek training and thus join the construction industry as the skilled labor required to operate in the highly mechanized field. Subsidizing the costs of building materials too would increase the number of investors opting into the housing sector (Gyourko & Saiz, 2006). As seen, there is a lot that has to be done to better the housing sector.
The current demand and supply trend does not give an assurance for satisfying the housing demand. Matthew Pointon, to his best knowledge, expects home sales to stay afloat in the year promising no hopes in catering for the market.
BIBLIOGRAPHY \l 1033 Gyourko, J., & Saiz, A. (2006). Construction costs and the supply of housing structure. Journal of regional Science , 46 (4), 661-680.
Hagerty, J. R. (2007, February 14). How Good Are Zillow's Estimates? Retrieved October 4, November, from The Wall Street Journal: /articles/SB117142055516708035
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