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Unravelling Misleading Graphs

Essay Instructions:

What's Wrong With This Picture?

Data sources, are they reliable?

Post 1: Initial Response

As you read about studies in newspapers and magazines, the actual data that was collected, which could be thousands of data entries, are not included in the article. Rather, you will likely find a visual representation or graph of the data. Many times, these displays can be misleading or exaggerated to get you to think a certain way. For this discussion, you will conduct an internet search to find an article that includes a graph or visual display. You will analyze the graph or visual display to determine whether the graph is misleading, exaggerated, or misrepresents the data. Then you will write a descriptive essay with a minimum of 5 paragraphs to address the following questions:

Consider what you know about misleading or exaggerated graphs.

When you looked at the graph for the first time, do you think it effectively showed the intended information? Why or why not?

Answer one of the two questions below.

Do you feel this graph was misleading in any way? Explain.

If you feel the graph is not misleading, why do you feel it is appropriate? Explain.

Would you have designed this graph differently? Such as design a different type, including other variables, or provide different labels? Why or why not?

Once you have found a graph or visual display in a news article, magazine, or internet story, draft your descriptive essay using the questions above as a guide. Do not simply answer each question, but put these ideas together into a cohesive descriptive essay with five paragraphs using the guidelines below.

When planning your essay keep in mind that APA formatting should be used. The essay should include a title page, a reference page, be double-spaced, and written in 12- point Times New Roman font. You are expected to use at least one outside source for this essay. Cite outside sources in proper APA format. You can find numerous APA resources in the Writing Center Writing Reference Library on the Research, Citation, and Plagiarism page. Resources from course readings, textbook, or other library sources can be used to support your discussion. Any time information is directly quoted, be sure to cite all sources by including in-text citations and a list of references. This does include a citation in APA format for the visual display you used.

Your writing should include a highly developed purpose and viewpoint. Descriptive writing is very detailed and should convince your reader through ideas. Your descriptive essay should also be written in Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, grammar, and mechanics. There should be no evidence of plagiarism. If you are unsure about what constitutes plagiarism, please review the plagiarism policy.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Unravelling Misleading Graphs

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Unravelling Misleading Graphs

Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1: Florida gun deaths

Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/gun-deaths-in-florida-increased-with-stand-your-ground-2014-2?r=US&IR=T

People's perceptions can be influenced by false or exaggerated visual representations, as demonstrated by the graph named "Gun Deaths in Florida," which is responsible for creating one of the most significant discussions on this topic. This analysis demonstrates that these graphics significantly impacted public perception. Furthermore, the analysis highlights the problematic balance between truth and aesthetics. The study presented above sheds light on a number of the many facets involved in mapping data and demonstrates a need for conversation regarding how the production of influential graphics can involve ethical problems.

At one layer of reading, the statistical graphic entitled 'Gun Deaths in Florida' appeared to tell a tale from beginning to end downward trend after 2005 following the implementation of the "Stand Your Ground" law. Nevertheless, when a more thorough study was made, some differences would mislead the sightseers (Engel, 2014). The irregularities on the all-important y-axis were enough for changes in both axes 

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