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Research Transportation Security in Supply Chain Management

Essay Instructions:

This week you will discuss security measures in TLM. What security measures are currently in place? Are they effective? Why or why not? What are the challenges that exist in continuous process improvement? How do these security measures effect transportation and logistics management? You will have to conduct online research to complete this assignment. Likewise, you will need to select one mode of transportation to effectively discuss this topic in specific detail. Discuss in detail and provide sources to support your thoughts, insights, ideas, and statements.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Transportation Security in Supply Chain ManagementNameInstitutional AffiliationDate
Transportation Security in Supply Chain Management
Due to the global emergence of supply chains, the emphasis that is laid on freight security is shifting slowly from the traditional method to a more sophisticated approach that is composed of several measures. Transport companies are transforming into transnational companies that provide international services of freight management across the globe. However, increased demand for the freight services has led to an increase in theft activities. As a way of preventing the problem, the security agencies have come up with safety measures that are implemented at the various security terminals CITATION Kla12 \l 1033 (Klaus -Dietel & Kauschke, 2012).
There are security checks that involve the screening of the passengers and their luggage as a way of realizing people or items that can be a threat to the security. Most of the governments have made it a mandatory to prevent any breaches that may arise. The measure have been effective since it has helped in the prevention of terrorism activities in the different places. However, lack of proper communication, lack of adequate time and nonexistence of knowledge have affected the effectiveness of the security measure ( CITATION Pau02 \l 1033 (Paul, 2002). Some people ignore such security measures thus increasing the risks. The terrorists, on the other hand, have continued to improvise other methods so as to avoid detection.
Recently, criminals have been making use of the transport company employees to get information about the transportation company that is carrying the various brands or products. The employees also provide them with weaknesses and the areas of opportunity for the company and as they plan to commit the offenses. Transport operators have implemented track and trace scanning for the various products transported. Increasing the income for the employers and holding talks with them to know the problems that they are going through has been one of the measures. However, meeting the demands of the employees has been a great challenge but the method has been useful in avoiding loss of goods.
Many security companies offer security services for the various companies. They have security guards who can help in differe...
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