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The Machinery of Government

Essay Instructions:
The Machinery of Government. For this essay, due at the end of Week 2, write an analysis that compares the federal versus state and local governments. In a 2-3 page paper, identify and expand on at least three specific points of similarity or difference between the different levels of government. You may discuss the responsibilities, leadership structure, size or reform efforts for the different levels of government, for example. Offer examples and resources to support your analysis. This is a formal writing assignment and will be graded as such. Cite your sources in APA format. Note, Wikipedia, eHow, ezine, and online dictionaries, for example, are NOT appropriate resources for academic or professional writing.

Papers should contain: 1. An introductory paragraph that establishes the issues that your paper will address; 2. A body that addresses the guidelines listed above; 3. A summative conclusion; and 4. A reference page. [Include a cover page, parenthetical citations, and a reference page in APA format; be sure if you use direct quotes to include them in quotation marks and cite a page number.]

Submit your Essay 1 by the end of the week through the Essay 1 link toward the bottom of this page. Upload a file (.doc, .docx, .rtf, or .pdf) for assessment. Avoid cutting and pasting your paper into the text box as the formatting will not be retained.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Machinery of Government Course: Instructor: Date: Since adoption of federalism, the USA has been governed under the three levels of government at the local, state and federal level. Federalism sought to ensure that decentralization increased effectiveness of running the federal system. There are 50 states in America, but laws may differ depending on legislations adopted in each state (Hudgins, 1997). States also have their own constitutions distinct from the federal constitution, but the federal constitution is the superior paramount law (Stephens & Scheb, 2008). The three forms of governments have a system of checks and balances to reduce excesses from government officials. However conflicts may arise between the federal governments and the other two governments, if federal laws seem too broad to tackle specific issues affecting communities like federal immigration laws (Jorgensen, 1997). This paper will highlight on differences in federal, state and local governments in the U.S. The major differences among the three forms of governments are on the functions which they perform. The federal government is tasked with negotiating international trade agreements as well as overseeing overall commercial activities of the country, but state governments may agree on provisions of such trade agreements (Hudgins, 1997). On the contrary, states and local governments cannot enter into international trade agreements, and states are allowed to approve amendments to the constitution. However, states can also make and implement laws like in the federal governments. Since local governments do not have authority in law making, they are mostly tasked with provision of services at the local level. Public works then falls under authority of local governments, who oversee construction, maintenance and management of water and sewerage system. Another difference between the federal government and the other two forms of governments is that the federal government has more authority through the three arms of the government. Even though, the US constitution does not mention local governments, there is a provision that powers can be delegated to states, and states then outline powers of local governments (Donovan et al., 2007 ).Even though, states have the legislature, judiciary and executive arms, their power are within the state only. The legislative arm of federal government occurs through the legislative powers of congress, with committees in the House and Senate mandated with this function. ...
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