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Description of the Test Statistic in Healthcare Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Having developed the null and alternative hypotheses in the previous module, write a 2- to 3-page essay in which you:
1.Identify a test statistic to help you assess the evidence against the null hypothesis you developed in the previous module.
2.Explain why you have chosen the specific test statistic. Include in your discussion description of the test statistic.
3.Summarize your findings by creating a summary graph in which you display your data.
4.Discuss the total number of measurements (sample size), the possibility for measurement error, and whether it is large enough to paint an accurate picture.
Below are my null/Alternative hypothesis and my collected 8 days worth of Heart rate data.
-Null- the mean of my resting heart rate is equal to 70
-Alternative- The mean of my resting heart rate does not equal 70
-Day 1- 4/4/16- 84 BPM -Day 5- 4/8/16-76 BPM
-Day 2- 4/5/16- 72 BPM -Day 6- 4/9/16-80 BPM
-Day 3- 4/6/16- 70 BPM -Day 7- 4/10/16-82 BPM
-Day 4- 4/7/16- 78 BPM -Day 8- 4/11/16-86 BPM

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The null hypothesis: the mean of my heart resting rate is equal to 70
Alternative hypothesis; the mean of my heart resting rate is not equal to 70.
1 .Identify the test statistic to help you assess the evidence against the null hypothesis you developed in the previous module.
The tests statistic that best assess the evidence against the null hypothesis is the t- statistic.
2. Explain why you have chosen the specific test statistic. Include in you discussion description of the test statistic.
The t-statistic is used to test a sample mean against a population mean. It is used especially where the population variance is unknown and the sample n<30. From the data collected above about the resting heart rate. The sample size is 8, it’s less than 30 and also the standard deviation is unknown. This make the t-statistic the best t-test statistic to evaluate the evidence against the null hypothesis that the resting heart rate is equal to 70(Shi & Tao 2008).
3. Summarize your findings by creating a summary graph in which you display your data.
In this analysis to be able to raise the graph we need to get the critical value(s) of t.
Day 1-84bpm
Day 2-72 bpm
Day 3-70 bpm
Day 4- 78 bpm
Day 5- 76 bpm
Day 6- 80 bpm
Day 7-82 bpm
Day 8- 86 bpm
To get the sample mean; we add all the sample data the divide by the sample size.
X= (84+72+70+78+76+80+82+86)/8
X=78.5 bpm
To get the standard deviation of the samples from the mean we
The formulae is S =‚‑(X-x) ²/n-1
X is the real value of bpm by each sample
x- Is the mean of the samples
N-1 is the sample size less one
N-1 is the degree of freedom
S=‚ [(84-78.5)²+ (72-78.5)²+ (70-78.5)²+ (78-78.5)²+ (76-78.5)²+ (80-78.5)²+ (82-78.5)²+ (86-78.5)²]/8-1
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