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Statistics to Determine Effective Physical Exercise Regimen

Essay Instructions:

For the Second SLP, using the data that you collected for the Module 1 SLP, please do the following:
Calculate the mean, median, and mode of the measurements taken in Module 1 SLP. Be sure to express each value of central tendency in units.
Discuss whether the values are higher or lower than you would have expected.
State which measure of central tendency you think most accurately describes the variable that you measured. Provide a thorough explanation.
Conduct a scholarly search on the internet to find reported health statistics on the variable that you are measuring. For example, if you are measuring your total daily caloric intake, American Dietetic Association. Identify the source.
Use the information in the modular background readings as well as resources you find through ProQuest or other online sources. Please be sure to cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper. Submit the paper as a Word document through the link provided for the assignment.
Length: 2–3 pages typed and double-spaced.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Probability and Health Statistics
All in the curve
Module 1 Session Long Project
The mean, median, and mode of the measurements
Light to Moderate Intensity Physical Activities
Count: 9 Sum: 315 Mean: 35 Median: 10 Mode: 10 Vigorous Intensity Physical Activities
Count:6 Sum:297 Mean:49.5 Median: 51Mode: 30, 42, 65, 60, 80, 20
Expectations on the values
The intensity of physical activities depends on the exercise as well as type of activity, meaning that one typically spends less time on the most intense physical activities. However, the data statistics were a bit surprising given that the average minutes spent on less to moderate intensity physical activities was 35 minutes while the average time spend in the more intense physical activities is 49.50 minutes. Nonetheless, the amount of time dedicated to daily activities was high as the norm where one is carrying out normal chores in and around the household. Ideally, one ought to have at least 150 minutes of light and moderate physical exercises intensity in a week, and for the 7 days the cumulative time was 225 minutes.
Measure of central tendency
For the light to moderate intensity physical activities, the average time was 35 minutes, while the median and mode was 10 minutes. On the other hand, the mean was 49.50 minutes in vigorous intensity physical activities, and the median was 51 minutes. The mode in the category of was 20, 30, 42, 65, and 60 and 80 minutes, this differs from the less intense activities, as there was no common time dedicated to physical activities in the vigorous intense category. This shows that each of the recoded time spent on physical activities was taken into account when calculating the mode.
The measures of central tendency describe the frequency distributions for the two data sets, showing the typical value of the data. Since the mode means the most common measure of central tendency, it is the best guess about the observation on the time spent on physical activities. However, the mode also has its drawbacks when the mode is not unique like in the case of the vigorous intensity physical activities in the data collected. Since the main purpose of descriptive statistics is to summarize data, the mean is one of the most important measures that provides enables one to identify the distribution of data.
The median accurately describes the physical activities/ exercise time, since there were different physical activities and the time varied widely between the outliers. Even though, the mean makes it easier to also rely on the measures of variability, the median is most appropriate in this case. In any case, the dispersion of the time values for the two data sets was asymmetrical. The median is also chosen since it is not affected by the outliers compared to the mean, while the sam...
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