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Equilibrium Economy: Spending Rises In The Economy

Essay Instructions:

Choose one of the following two topics. The paper should be thoughtful and well organized. View the paper as an answer to a major essay question on an exam, but one for which you have additional time and resources.

Topic One

Spending rises in the economy. What will happen as a result?

An economy is producing at an equilibrium. That is where total income is equal to overall spending.

Suppose spending increases in the economy. Assume that prices in the economy do not change.

What will happen to overall spending as a result of the initial change in spending?

Explain exactly what happens at each step. When does the process stop?

What determines the ultimate size of the change in overall spending? Explain exactly why.

Topic Two

An economy is producing at an equilibrium. That is where total income is equal to overall spending.

Assume that prices in the economy increase.

What will happen to overall spending as a result of the initial change in prices?

Explain exactly what happens at each step. When does the process stop?

What determines the ultimate size of the change in overall spending? Explain exactly why.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Equilibrium Economy
In economics in relation to income and expenditure, a state of equilibrium is where the total income is equal to the total amount that one spends. In a graph, an equilibrium is established where the two aspects of economy that is expense and income intersects hence determining a balance in these key aspects. One should be determined to spend as much as they earn but not spend more than they earn since this may cause an imbalance in the economy which may prove hazardous to a person or a nation as a whole. An economy is considered good when at equilibrium hence this is the state that a nation should strive for.
An increase in prices will ultimately lead to a decrease in spending since one will have to use more of the usual hence cut on expenditure. Overall increase in the price of goods and services is known as inflation. Inflation is measured in two ways that is; Gross Domestic Product deflator (GDP) which is an indicator of the general inflation in the economy, the Consumer Price Index deflator (CPI) which points to the increase in the consumer purchase price and the Personal Consumption Expenditure (PCE) which defines the consumption expense at personal levels CITATION Wel80 \l 1033 (Wells). A government would spend more to curb the crisis of rising prices since the employees will demand more to enable them catch up with the rising prices.
The processes involved in the overall spending due to a rise in prices occur in different steps. An increase in prices will lead to a corresponding decrease in expenditure which then leads to a higher government spending then consequently gross do...
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