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Sources and Beneficial Application of Municipal Solid Waste

Essay Instructions:


In this unit, you became familiar with sources of municipal solid waste (MSW), beneficial uses of MSW, and MSW landfills.

For this assignment, you will write an essay that addresses the components listed below.

• Discuss the sources and beneficial uses of municipal solid waste.

• Describe the differences between garbage, rubbish, and trash.

• Elaborate on the four characteristics of optimum routing of MSW collection trucks.

• Explain the purpose of transfer stations.

• Provide two positive and two negative aspects of incinerators.

• Describe the purpose of composting.

• Discuss four differences between dumps and landfills.

• Address the following question: If each person in a city of 20,000 people generates 5 pounds per day of MSW, how many pounds of MSW are generated in a year in the city?

• Address the following question: In a different city, if the landfill volume required per year is 300,000 m3, and the average fill depth is 15 m, what is the required landfill area (m2) per year?

Your essay should flow smoothly from topic to topic with thoughtful transitions. It should be at least three pages in length, not counting the references page; a title page is optional.

Support your essay with at least two peer-reviewed articles. The articles should be no more than 20 years old. Feel free to use the textbook and other sources as references in addition to your two CSU Online Library sources. Be sure to properly cite and reference all sources, and use APA format.

Textbook information if needed.

Book title

Basic Environmental Technology

6 edition

Jerry A. Nathan's on & Richard A. Schneider

ISBN-13: 978-0-13-284014-9

ISBN-10: O-13-284014-6

Essay Sample Content Preview:

MSW Municipal Solid Waste
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Sources and Beneficial application of municipal solid waste
Municipal solid waste refers to solid waste products produced by people. It can either be in its initial form or altered through multiple procedures. The waste includes remains for industrial activities, organizations, commercial and residential buildings, and private establishments requiring government intervention in collecting, handling, and disposal. Management of municipal solid waste is crucial, especially in the local society, since it prevents contamination of air, water, and soil in the surrounding. Practical application of solid waste entails reusing waste that could have been eliminated in a valuable way to the community. Waste recycling is among the beneficial waste that results in energy sources to power run energy plants. Pyrolysis and incineration are some of the procedures undertaken in the recycling process. Organic waste composting has positive impacts on the soil used for cultivation. Landfills are the best alternative method compared to other strategies that threaten the environment. Solid wastes are used for landfill capacity for products with no alternative use and minimize the raw materials used while building.
Difference between Garbage, Rubbish, and Trash
Rubbish, trash, and garbage have multiple meanings despite their application in similar circumstances in different cultures. Garbage refers to waste products that can undergo the decomposition process. They are mainly food remains and kitchen products. On the other hand, rubbish refers to dry waste materials that can be decomposed slower than garbage. Rubbish includes dry products like cloth, paper, and plastics. Lastly, trash refers to bulk waste products whose collection does not follow a specific procedure and involves special handling. They include damaged refrigerators, TVs, couches, and huge uprooted tree strides.
MSW Collection Trucks Features
The MSW trucks follow the following steps to ensure efficiency in waste collection. First, the truck drivers should ensure they do not make two trips on one street while collecting waste. Second, the drivers should avoid traffic while collecting waste in crowded regions by operating in other hours except for the rush hours that are primarily evening (Huang & Zhu, 2014). Third, the trucks should conserve fuel as much as possible, collecting waste as they move downwards. The last element involves the route used during collection. The collection structure should ensure the initial collection point is close to a garage and the last collection point is located near a filled truck.
Functions of Transfer Stations
The application of transfer stations is an additional factor that promotes an efficient a...
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