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Simulate Sampling Distributions

Essay Instructions:
-We will simulate Sampling Distributions at OnlineStatBook.com. http://onlinestatbook(dot)com/stat_sim/sampling_dist/ Click when the button appears at the left of the screen. You'll see a pop-up that looks like this histogram sample 1. -On the Sampling Distributions pop-up, you can change the shape and parameters of the distribution by click and dragging your mouse over the histogram or by selecting from the options at the right, for example: -To see how this simulation works, click the “Animate” button below the word “Sample” on the webpage. You'll see 5 black blocks representing data values drop onto the scale, like a dot plot, and the mean of those five values will appear as a blue block on the third axis. Click “Animate” several more times to see the sample means begin to accumulate and form their own histogram, perhaps like this histogram example 2. In order to make the simulation go faster, we can skip the animation of individual samples and collect thousands of samples at once. To obtain the graph of histogram example 3, I clicked to clear the lower 3 graphs and then selected 10,000 samples of size n=5 from the right-skewed parent population. The blue histogram shows the distribution of the sample means. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -We will simulate Sampling Distributions at OnlineStatBook.com. Click when the button appears at the left of the screen. You'll see a pop-up that looks like this histogram sample 1. -On the Sampling Distributions pop-up, you can change the shape and parameters of the distribution by click and dragging your mouse over the histogram or by selecting from the options at the right, for example: Now it's your turn to play and discuss. Follow the directions on the Sampling Distributions Worksheet. Once you have completed the worksheet: -Reflect on what you've observed: ◦How do the parent (black) and sample means (blue) histograms compare with regard to shape, center, and spread? ◦Does the sample size, n, affect the results? If so, how? -Post your reflections in the Sampling Distributions discussion. Attach your completed worksheet. -Then, go back to the discussion to review what your classmates have posted. Can you find a general pattern or theme? Post your reactions.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Module 3 - Sampling Distributions Worksheet
We will simulate Sampling Distributions at http://onlinestatbook.com/stat_sim/sampling_dist/ .
Do the following:
1 Click "Begin" when the button appears at the left of the screen.
2 Clear the lower 3 graphs and select (or draw) a shape for the parent population.
3 Select a size for your samples by clicking in the box "N =" to the right of the third graph.
4 Select 10,000 samples and watch the blue histogram of sample means develop.
5 Record the following information for each of the three simulations, each time using a different sample size, n.
Sample size: n = ____5______



Standard Deviation


Bell shaped



Histogram of
sample means

Bell shaped



Sample size: n = _____10________



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