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Why Should Farmers Hate Extended Periods Of Great Weathers Is For Farming?

Essay Instructions:

Just as studying biology enables the naturalist to observe many interesting details of life that would have otherwise gone unnoticed, the study of microeconomics can enable you to become a more keen observer of the economic life around us. Throughout this course, both the textbook and I will highlight how economic principles apply to everyday experiences. My aim is to encourage you employ the economic principles learned in this class to help you have a better understanding of how the world around us works.

To facilitate this goal, students are required to write two short essays in the manner of an “Economic Naturalist”. In each of these short essays, your assignment is to use an economic principle(s) covered in this course to explain some pattern of events or behavior that you personally have observed. Numerous examples of the types of questions I have in mind are in the text, and can also be found in Robert Frank’s book “The Economic Naturalist.” I will post a few example essays on Blackboard.

Each essay is limited to 500 words, though many excellent essays are significantly shorter than that. Be as clear and concise as possible. The best papers can easily be understood by somebody who has never had an economics course, and typically do not include any algebra or graphs.

Your argument for how economics helps explain your puzzle needs to be your own. You are not expected to do extraordinary amounts of research in support of your argument, but a relevant fact or two might help convince yourself and the reader that you are on the right track. The topic you choose to cover does not need to be important, but try as best as you can to choose something interesting.

As an alternative to submitting the written version of the essay, students may request permission to work in small groups (2-4) students to tackle the same assignment in a brief (five minutes or less) video format.

Use these questions to help you understand what makes a great Economic Naturalist essay:

1. Does your question arouse curiosity?

2. Is your puzzle clearly described?

3. Does your answer use plain language? Is it clearly explained?

4. Is your economic reasoning consistent and plausible?


The first essay is due Mar. 7th, and the second essay is due Apr. 18th. All essay assignments must be turned in at or before the start of class on the due date. Electronic submissions are required via the turnitin assignment on Blackboard. No late essays will be accepted.


Each essay will be graded on scale from 1-10. The four questions above will serve as a guide for grading.

Note: Much of this assignment has been adopted from Robert Frank’s MBA class at Cornell University.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Why should farmers hate extended periods (years) of great weathers is for farming?
Farming has been the main source of food for society for thousands of years now. Through-out the history of the world, civilizations were given rise by the agricultural capacity of the community. Farmers use farming in order to feed their families and gain an income with the crops they sell. In today’s society, productions are dependent upon the supply and demand of products. Farm crops follow a trend that follows the weather and climate patterns around the world. Since the weather is different for different areas, the types of plants and crops that can grow also vary. Some can produce sweeter varieties of fruits due to its cold climate, and some can grow vegetables in more temperate climates. However, production and harvest schedule of plants also depend upon the seasons. Plants follow a life cycle of growing from a seed, and then towards a form that is usable as staple food or fruit bearing trees. The benefits of farming follow the plants abi...
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