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Reflection Paper: Trapac And The Port Of Los Angeles

Essay Instructions:

POLA Reflection Paper (Assignment – 50 points)

The City of Los Angeles owns the property and water rights for the Port of Los Angeles. It grants TraPac and other terminal owners a long-term lease on the property and water passage rights so that they can build cargo terminals, invest in the cranes and technology, and load/offload ships that they have agreements with. TraPac has agreements with ships that come and go with cargo from and to China.

1. Write a 2page summary of key information about Port of Los Angeles focusing on how important it is to export and import movements in Los Angeles, California, and the United States. Summarize key information about the Port of Los Angeles that you researched before the visit. Reference the source(s) of your information.

a. Sizing up the Port of Los Angeles

b. POLA in the “news”. Read at least two articles about the way cargo is moved from the port via the Alameda Corridor and by transport trucks. Summarize what you have learned and reference the two + articles.

2. POLA is a revenue producing department for the City of Los Angeles. Research what this means and how much revenue POLA contributed to the City of Los Angeles in a recent fiscal year. Also document the revenue formula for payments to POLA by shippers, cargo owners, cargo producers, and terminal operators.

3. Terminals such as TraPac that you will be visiting are privately owned and they charge to load and offload cargo. Research and document how they charge for their services and how they make a return on their investment.

Estimate how many cargo containers TraPac loads or unloads in a year.

4. Many different “third party” businesses provide their services to shippers and the terminals. Identify at least 5 other businesses that provide services or goods to POLA. Another way to say this is – if POLA shut down who would be affected?

5. Prior to your visit list 5 or more questions you have about exports and imports, POLA and TraPac. One of the questions you could raise could be about the China-USA tariffs and “trade war.” TraPac was strategically well prepared for the response of shippers to the proposed tariffs.

6. On your visit listen and collect any information provided, and take photos.

7. After your visit write down your responses to the topics/questions (2-5 above) based on your research and what you saw or heard at the POLA. Copy and paste in your photos to your POLA assignment report.

8. Discuss two things you saw or heard during your visit that you did not expect.

9. List the top three reasons you think exporters and importers use POLA and TraPac.

10. Finally, identify two global mindset capital elements (of the 27 in your GMI Assessment report) that you think are most important to successfully run TraPac. Explain why.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Instructor: Institution: Date: Reflection paper Established in 1907, the Port of Los Angeles has developed into a renowned harbor that moves more containers than any other port in the United States. As a result, the port’s leads the way in maritime shipping and supply chain efficiency. Nevertheless, the following questions are important in understanding the port further; what is the exact relationship between the Port of Los Angeles and Trapac? How is revenue shared between Trapac and the Port of Los Angeles? Does the port reject goods from/to China and North Korea when trade wars take place? What is the procedure used to move containers from the port to their destinations? During the visit, it was clear that that the port and Trapac continuously adapt to global trends that are necessary in maintaining a competitive edge. This was seen in the frequent modernization of its facilities that meet the current technological advancements. In addition, the port and Trapac have long histories of embracing business diversity. This includes doing business with North Korea and China, regardless of tensions between these countries and the United States. Therefore, psychological and intellectual capitals are important in running the port. The speed at which the Port of Los Angeles delivers goods makes it attractive to importers and exporters. The port uses a “Free-Flow Program” that facilitates bulk delivery of containers to their owners. This is facilitated by the Alameda Corridor Transport that carries approximately 12, 557 TEU’s each day (Martinez, 2014). The corridor allows trains to move at a faster speed as there are is no traffic. In addition, business operations are rarely affected by weather in south California. As a result, customers prefer the port because shipments can be handled virtually 365days a year. Nevertheless, it is the state-of-the art wareho...
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