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Policy Alternatives: Article in Changes in Tax Withholding

Essay Instructions:

Taxes, retirement, and financial policies are some of the most controversial areas of policy deployment. There are a variety of opinions, data sources, and expert reports out there on each of these areas. Therefore, along with all proposed policy, it is important that we can evaluate each policy. In this week’s lesson, we discussed the three primary and five ancillary evaluative criteria that Kraft considers essential in analyzing policies. Let’s put this information into practice. Take a look at some articles or resources on these policies. Please go the APUS Library Guide for Public Administration and Security Management at the following link:

Public Administration & Security Management.

Choose an article or resource that discuss tax, financial or retirement policy and let the class know why you chose this particular article and accomplish the following:

For your forum post:

1. Summarize the key points made within the article.

2. Now, select at least three evaluative criteria from this week’s lesson to analyze the points made in the article. For example, did the author address the equity of the policy and if so, what did they say? If they didn’t address it, what do you think the author would have said about the missing evaluative criteria?

3. Analyze the policy alternatives for your selected policy topic/article.

Note: almost everything can be indirectly related to taxes, retirement or finances. I don’t want to see things that are impacted by or things that impact fiscal, tax, or retirement policies ( almost everything in life is or does) but policy that is created as financial, tax, or retirement policy.

Stay on the topic of the discussion. This week, that is analysis of policy using the criteria we studied.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Policy Alternatives
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Policy Alternatives
This week’s discussions about policy alternatives bring insights into the value of policy evaluation to determine the impact on different players. In this context, I chose the article by Miller (2018) exploring a tax policy related to changes in tax withholding. This article provides basic details demonstrating how minimal alterations in tax brackets and exemptions for taxpayers can trigger far-reaching outcomes for the various players in the United States economy (El-Sibaie, 2019). As a result, its choice rose from the structural and systemic effects it discloses due to slight policy changes.
The article by Miller (2018) presents critical points related to taxation policy. It highlights the tax reduction on their income rates, changed tax brackets, and existing exemptions. It also illustrates the efforts of the IRS to motivate taxpayers to pay attention to their withholding and ensure that they take advantage of the relevant calculator provided by the institution for a proper understanding of their withholding status. As the employers assist their workers with the current changes, the employees should also remain alert in taking appropriate actions to evert tax-related penalties by remaining compliant.
An evaluation of this article reveals that the author addresses the issue of fairness. For inst...
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