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1 pages/≈275 words
Mathematics & Economics
English (U.S.)
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Outline of Behavior Economics Essay

Essay Instructions:

Please write an outline of the essay, and the outline should based on the 4 articles in the attachment:


1. Decide on two behavioral-economics concepts to compare

2. Find three or more papers on these topics (at least two per topic).

3. Write a report weighing the concepts using evidence from the papers you have found as well as your own judgement.


1. You should start the paper by announcing the argument you will be making in the rest of the paper.

2. Within the body, you should describe the readings and cite how they strengthen or soften your argument.

3. You should end the paper by restating your argument

4. The report should be 1000 to 2000 words or so, but more importantly, the report needs to effectively convey your understanding of these papers/concepts.


Your grade will mainly be determined by how deeply you can discuss the concepts presented in the papers. I will be looking to see that you understood the papers, that you connect these models to the real world, and that you make your argument in a balanced fashion. For an A grade, you need to exceed my expectations. This means that if you only follow the above directions, even if your paper is flawless, you should expect a B on the paper.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Outline of Behavior Economics Essay Name Course Institution Date Background The outcomes of experiments on behavioral game theory are applicable to the markets. Strategic thinking and sophistication in games provide insight on how agents make decisions using the information they have with the Cognitive Hierarchy and Level-k relevant approaches to understand this Explanation on Cognitive Hierarchy Cognitive Hierarchy (CH) models has allowed the cognitive scientists study reasoning steps using Formal approaches and other techniques in various games and platforms such as the two-sided markets when there is availability of experimental data . This is relevant when studying managerial behavior since managers tend to be affected by inattention (Hossain and Morgan, 2013). Explanation Level-K model In game theory, there have been suggestions to model uncertainty including modeling the beliefs of the agent. Players have arbitrary possibilistic and not probabilistic) beliefs and the level- K model associated with bounded rationality has bee...
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