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Mathematics & Economics
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Mathematically Substantive Replies

Essay Instructions:

Reply Requirements

Within your replies to your classmates, compare your posts and discuss the following:
Is the proof well-written and logically clear and correct?

Explain how the type of proof that was not chosen could or could not be used for the same example.

Your replies to other student posts are expected to be mathematically substantive, relevant, original, and engaging. What does this mean? Remember that these replies should be in a form where you are engaging in communications at the college level. If your replies sound like the type of communication that one would encounter within an informal chat or chat room, it is most likely inappropriate. Here are examples of what I would consider informal chat that would receive little-to-no credit.

Hey Joe, I could not agree with you more! Great job!

Sally, you are so great! I was thinking the same thing.

Sandy, Wow! I never really understood this stuff until I read your post. Thanks!

Tom, I am planning to go to Starbucks later. Would you like to join me?

Joe, I need help! Can you call me at xxx-xxx-xxxx? I need the answers to HW1 so call me on Sunday so that I can submit this homework on time.

Mike, I am so bored. What did you take last semester?

I hope that you can see that these types of replies to other student posts have little-to-no value. They require little thought. Thus, such replies get little-to-no credit. I also do not want to see the following patterns within your replies to other student posts:
Do not restate (or regurgitate) what a student has already stated within his or her main discussion post. Your replies should not come across as just regurgitating that which your classmate has already stated within his or her main discussion post.

Do not pose excessive questions to students when you are replying to their posts. If you have a question and want to post it as a reply, that is fine. Post some preliminary substantive comments and then your question. What I don't want to see are replies to student posts where your reply sounds like an oral exam intended to challenge your classmate.

Do not post excessively long quotes from outside sources. Since this is a discussion forum, I do not want students to copy/paste excessively long quotes from outside sources. Even if you plan to provide in-text citations and corresponding downstream references, your main discussion posts and your replies to other student posts should NOT excessively be composed of quotes taken verbatim from outside sources. I am more interested in hearing your voice within the discussion.

Do not solve the problems of other students. Although I encourage you to show students how to do similar problems within the discussion boards, I do not want you to solve their problems for them.

Do not just post resources. Although I encourage you to provide students with resources, I don't want you to just post a link to a YouTube video or website and treat this as a mathematically substantive reply. If you post a resource, you need to discuss how this resource should be used to help the student. I would recommend providing a concrete math example where you work through the solution and then discuss how a review of your posted resource can help the student solve such math problems.

Provide mathematically substantive replies. Although this is not an exhaustive list, a mathematically substantive reply to another student's post should include one or more of the following items:

Provide a mathematics example where you show your classmate how to perform each step within a particular calculation to illuminate a particular mathematics topic.

Provide a mathematics example where you discuss relevant terminology.

Provide current examples of the credible use of this topic within real-world applications to make informed decisions.

Provide relevant misconceptions (e.g., 23 is sometimes mistakenly solved as 2*3 = 6 instead of 2*2*2 = 8).

Provide misleading ways in which the topic can be interpreted by some students.

Be cordial in your replies to other students. Although it is alright to disagree with your classmates, always be cordial in your replies. In other words, always maintain a warm and friendly tone. The whole point of this discussion board is to create a community of learners where everyone posts in a manner that promotes the learning of mathematics.

I would strongly encourage you to create a draft response for your replies first before posting. Use the spelling, spelling, and grammar checker in Word to make sure that your work is ready to submit.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

DM3 Response 1
Author’s Name:
Institution of Affiliation:
Course Name:
Instructor’s Name:
DM3 Response 1
Hello Student,
You have highlighted various outstanding explanations regarding the difference between the proof of contradiction and the proof of contrapositive. Both these types of proofs are the subcategories of the indirect proof definition. In most instances, this proof does not require the people to prove any conclusion true. Rather than following this approach, most people will show that all the existing alternatives are false.
Similar to the analysis, the proof by contrapositive has an interesting perspective since rather than assuming the given hypothesis to be true and also proving a conclusion to be true, this approach, therefore, assumes the given conclusion to be false and looks for different measures to prove this hypothesis as also false (Kwong, 2020). An example of the proof of contraposition is normally used in the equivalence study. In this study, most people use a conditional statement such as "if p then q," then this statement will also have the same meaning as "if not q then not p." In this scenario, if a person uses contraposition, the common statement for this statement will be, let us assume an instance where "not q" is true, then let us prove that "not p." Therefore, if individuals can prove that "not q then not p" to be true, the following statement will mean that "if p then q" will also be true.
An example
The following is an example that where we have used the contrapositive.
For instance, we have the below claim
For any integer m and n, m +n ≥17 shows that m≥9 or n≥9.
The proof
If we apply contraposition, this process will prove that if m<8 and n<8, then m + n < 17.
We will assume any integer m and n, m<9, and n<9.
This will therefore follow that m≤ 8 and n≤ 8.
This will therefore imply that
m +n=8+8
By showing that when m < 9 and n < 9, therefore m+ n < 17 to be true, the ...
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