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MAT 201 Week 1 Discussion Board: Dependent vs. Independent Variable

Essay Instructions:

In your own words, define an independent event and a dependent event. Provide an example of each type of event (i.e., using a deck of cards, computer programming, and/or business example). Include two additional examples for your peers to classify (but do not reveal the event). Review and respond to your peers by classifying their examples and providing a reason. 

Module 1 – Background MATERIAL READING


You can download the full, digital version of a statistics book using the link below. (Version in PDF, on the left side)

Lane, D. M. (n.d.). Online Statistics Education: A multimedia course of study. Retrieved fromhttp://onlinestatbook(dot)com/2/index.html

Required Materials

Digital Readings

Read sections A–G from

Lane, D. M., Hebl, M., Osherson, D., & Ziemer, H. (n.d.). Online Statistics Education: Introduction.Retrieved from http://onlinestatbook(dot)com/2/introduction/introduction.html

Read sections A–D from

Lane, D. M. & Osherson, D. (n.d.). Online Statistics Education: Probability. Retrieved fromhttp://onlinestatbook(dot)com/2/probability/probability.html

Videos and Exercises

Using the website below, watch the videos and complete the practice exercises for the topics inBOLD:

Khan Academy. (2014). Independent and dependent events. Retrieved fromhttps://www(dot)khanacademy(dot)org/math/probability/independent-dependent-probability

  • Basic probability (5 videos, 1 reading, 3 practice exercises)
  • Venn diagrams and adding probabilities (2 videos, 1 practice exercise)
  • Compound, independent events (9 videos, 2 practice exercises)
  • Dependent probability (8 videos, 3 practice exercises)

What Is Probability?

Intro to Statistics


Variables and Measurement Scales

Intro to Probability  


Math Goodies. (2014). Probability theory. Retrieved from http://www(dot)mathgoodies(dot)com/lessons/toc_vol6.html

Reynolds, A. J. (2001). Introduction to Probability. Retrieved fromhttp://www(dot)cimt(dot)org(dot)uk/projects/mepres/book7/bk7i21/bk7_21i1.htm


Essay Sample Content Preview:

MAT 201 Week 1 Discussion Board
Trident University

Dependent vs. independent variable
An independent variable is one that is not affected or altered by the presence or occurrence of another event. On the other hand, the dependent variable is one that depends on the independent event (s) as it is the outcome that changes depending on the magnitude of the independent events. The relationship between the dependent and independent event (s) may be positive when an increase or decrease results in an increased or decreased outcome respectively. The relationship may also be negative where an increase in the values of indent values is associated with lower or decreasing outcomes.
Example of dependent and independent events
If one was to randomly select a card from a deck and then replace it while also selecting a second card then the two events are depend. The selection of the first card does not affect the outcome of the second. However, if one was no select a card and not replace it, then this affects the probability of then second c...
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