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2 pages/≈550 words
Mathematics & Economics
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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A Letter to a Friend About New Perspectives

Essay Instructions:


Spend a little while looking back over the materials from the whole course – the list of readings, any notes you took, the slides, the quizzes, the collective glossaries, and your writing assignments – to remind yourself how much you have learned!

What to write:

A last letter to your friend! In full sentences, please answer two questions, giving some detail and examples so that your friend can really understand what you are talking about. First, what is something you learned in this class that really shifted your perspective or made you think in a new way. (Be specific about where that idea or information came from, which means you should have a parenthetical citation.) Second, what is the most important thing you think you will take away from this class?

Word limit: 400 words maximum.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Letter to a Friend
Student's Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course number and course name
Instructor's name
A Letter to a Friend
Hello, I hope this finds you well. I have had the opportunity to take part in this course, something that I might term as one of the most exciting and life changing experiences of my life. Not only have I learnt so many things throughout the course, but also changed my perspectives about them too. Growing both physically and intellectually has always been one thing that I have taken ride in while pursuing this course. This will of course have great implications over my future professional goals as well. I therefore felt a need to share such a great experience with you, and delve into what I learnt along the way.
Throughout the course and learning processes, something I have learned that shifted my thinking differently is humanity's place in the world and the scared life. The reading by Ghosh (2021) resent ideas on some cultures, as the Dutch carried themselves, including killing and conducting injustices to take control of nature. Undoubtedly, such acts painted a picture of societies without a moral compass...
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