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Intermediate Macroeconomics Analysis Essay Sample

Essay Instructions:

Type up answer each question below, then save each answer to your computer as a separate .pdf using the naming convention given above. Each question should be answered on one-typed page. Use Times New Roman 11-point or 12-point font, 1-inch margins and either single line spacing, or 1.5 line spacing, or double line spacing. All questions have equal weight.

1.An economy is in a steady state where the MPK = 12%, depreciation is 4% per year, population growth is 2% per year, and the growth rate of efficiency workers is 2% per year. Suppose a politician says the government should move the savings rate towards the value that maximizes consumption per worker. If the government cares only about people who are alive now, since they are voters, should the government implement this policy? Use all appropriate models, graphs and mathematics in your explanation.

2.Explain how each of the following affect the long run equilibrium natural rate of unemployment. (a) A permanent increase in the minimum wage, (b) A permanent increase in unionization of the labor force, (c) A permanent increase in the cost of monitoring the quality of workers’ effort, (d) A permanent increase in the replacement ratio of unemployment-insurance benefits, (e) A permanent increase in the proportion of young workers in the labor force.

3.The Congressional Budget Office projects a US federal budget deficit of $200bn a month in 2021. The Fed has said it will buy at least $80bn a month of US government bonds in 2021. Using an appropriate model from our course, describe the effects of this policy mix in the short run and long run (assume this policy mix is permanent). Include all relevant graphs, mathematics and words in your answer. Describe the effects on as many macroeconomic variables as possible.

4.Recently a well-known macroeconomist said, “The Volcker era was a war on inflation; the Powell era is a war on unemployment.” [Powell is the current Fed chair]. Describe what is meant by the phrase “war on unemployment.” What does this war entail? What are the dangers of engaging in such a war? Describe how the “war on unemployment” relates to the US economic experience of the 1960s. Use all appropriate models, graphs and mathematics in your explanation.

5.M. Friedman argued the federal government should balance its budget only when output is beyond potential. Friedman’s statement can be written as a fiscal policy rule: (G – T) < 0, if and only if Y > Yp. Explain why this rule stabilizes the economy. Explain why the following rule, if Y < Yp then (G – T) < 0, destabilizes the economy. Use any and all appropriate mathematics, graphs and words.

6.Nominal interest rates are typically pro-cyclical, that is they rise when output rises above potential and fall when output falls below potential. Using the short run model we have studied this term, explain all the reasons why nominal interest rates are pro-cyclical, that is, explain why nominal interest rates rise when output rises above potential output and why nominal interest rates fall when output falls potential output. Your answer should include any and all appropriate mathematics, graphs and words.

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Intermediate Macroeconomics
1 an economy is in a steady state where the MPK = 12%, depreciation is 4% per year, population growth is 2% per year, and the growth rate of efficiency workers is 2% per year. Suppose a politician says the government should move the savings rate towards the value that maximizes consumption per worker. If the government cares only about people who are alive now, since they are voters, should the government implement this policy? Use all appropriate models, graphs and mathematics in your explanation.
There is an assumption that production is a function of capital (K) and labor (L), where the depreciation, population growth, and the growth rate of efficiency workers. The Solow model is useful in evaluating whether the savings rate moving closer to the consumption is necessary. The model focuses changes in the level of output when considering changes in the population. In a simple Keynesian model with no government exposure, income is made up of consumption and savings (Y = C + S).
In a steady state where the
* MPK = 12%
* Depreciation is 4% per year
* Population growth is 2% per year,
* Growth rate of efficiency workers is 2% per year
The Solow equation is based on the Cobb Douglas equation where
Y = F (K, L) = K α L1- α where α ∈ (0, 1)
There is an assumption that the level of savings is 0.5 where MPK = n + δ
δ+n=4%+2% = 6% and MPK at 12% > n + δ=6%
Since MPK > δ+n, then there is “too little” capital in the economy and the marginal productivity of this capital is quite high. The depreciation and population growth cause the capital stock per worker to reduce and he savings rate should not be moved towards the value that maximizes consumption per worker
2. Explain how each of the following affect the long run equilibrium natural rate of unemployment. (a) A permanent increase in the minimum wage, (b) A permanent increase in unionization of the labor force, (c) A permanent increase in the cost of monitoring the quality of workers’ effort, (d) A permanent increase in the replacement ratio of unemployment-insurance benefits, (e) A permanent increase in the proportion of young workers in the labor force.a) A permanent increase in the minimum wage,
Natural unemployment the sum of structural unemployment and frictional unemployment
There would be increased unemployment because of the higher minimum wage and wage rigidity, some workers are laid as there are lower labor demands and this causes an increase in the natural unemployment as there is a higher quantity of labor supplied by workers compared to the demand
The minimum wage is greater than the equilibrium wage
(b) A permanent increase in unionization of the labor force,
At the equilibrium level the labor supply and demand curves meet. Unionization raise the wage above the equilibrium level, the quantity of labor demanded declines while the quantity supplied of labor rises, which causes unemployment. Thus the equilibrium point shifts as there is more quantity of labor in the labor market.
However, unions do not explain all structural unemployment and a majority of workers are non-unionized
(c) A permanent increase in the cost of monitoring the quality of workers’ effort,
When the cost of monitoring the workers’ effort increases, there is an increase in the cost of hiring and maintaining workers. There would be less supply of labor as employers scale back on hiring, but the employers will pay more and the natural rate of unemployment shift leftwards where there is less labor supply and higher wage payment.
(d) A permanent increase in the replacement ratio of unemployment-insurance benefits,
The replacement ratio reflects the ratio of benefits to wages and reflects the proportion of income one requires maintain a certain level of living standards. A permanent increase in the replacement ratio of unemployment-insurance benefits will mean that people will get more money. Some may get out of the workplace and this would cause the long run equilibrium natural rate of unemployment to shift leftwards and there wou...
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