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Emmy Noether's Contribution to the History of Algebra

Essay Instructions:

The topic is I chose for the draft paper is Emmy Noether's life as an women mathematician and her contribution to the history of algebra. The focus is on the history and mathematics. The paper need to be academic and math related. Mathematics terminology have to be used.

The following two links are the links I used for draft paper, you can use all the other source of paper related to the topic.
Emmy Noether http://mathshistory(dot)st-andrews(dot)ac(dot)uk/Biographies/Noether_Emmy.html
The Two Mathematical Careers of Emmy Noether" in Women in Mathematics: Celebrating the centennial of the mathematical association of America, edited by Janet L. Beery, Sarah J. Greenwald, Jacqueline A. Jensen-Vallin, Maura B. Mast. Springer International Publishing : Imprint: Springer, 2017.

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Emmy Noether's Life as a Woman Mathematicians and Contribution to the History of Algebra
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Emmy Noether's Life as a Woman Mathematicians and Contribution to the History of Algebra
The contribution of women in mathematics is a significant aspect that needs crucial analysis. For many years, the role of women has been underestimated in most science subjects, including mathematics. The underappreciating and of women have been based on their gender. In most instances, men dominate the field due to their role in establishing mathematical rules and formulas. The men who have significantly contributed to the mathematical field include Archimedes, the pi founder, geometry's founder Euclid and Pythagoras. Many historical contributions revolved around the discovery of the three men. Therefore, the gender gap in the mathematical field was experienced across the spectrum of science and education. Even though the mathematical field is portrayed as dominated by men, women have also focused on other areas such as algebra, theoretical math, geometry, and algebra. Many women have attempted to explore the mathematical field and establish different findings. The four women who have significantly contributed to the mathematical field are Ellen Rudin, Sofia Kovalevskaya, Emmy Noether, and Hypatia (Case & Leggett, 2016). The paper addresses Emmy Noether's life as a woman mathematician and her significant contributions to algebra.
Noether's life as a Woman Mathematician
Emmy Noether was a German mathematician born in 1882 and known for a significant role in abstract algebra. She was born in a Jewish family in Erlangen. Coincidentally, her father, Max Noether, was also a mathematician. Her mother, Ida, was from a wealthy family. All her parents were Jewish despite her name not being classified as a Jewish name. They were four children in the family, and she was the only lady among three boys (Maths History., n.d.). Her family consisted of gifted individuals; for instance, her brother pursued applied mathematics but could not work since he was Jewish. Therefore, Emmy's commitment and passion for mathematics played a significant role in shaping her contributions.
Her original interest was to teach English and French, but she changed her mind to focus on mathematics. Mathematics was a critical route for her since it was always believed that only men could study it. She studied at the University of Erlangen, a known University advocating for pure mathematics (McLarty, 2017). Interestingly, they were only two females who sat for mathematics courses at the University. Many aspects of Emmy's life changed after the shift of rules, and women were allowed to matriculate in 1904. There were no constraints on her way to success and mathematical discoveries. Therefore she decided to pursue mathematics to accomplish her goals specifically. Emmy was not distracted by the ragged belief that women could not pursue mathematics courses. Her adamancy made the women be viewed differently in the mathematical field. She completed her doctorate and started her work in the Universities' mathematical institutes. Interestingly, she worked voluntarily for seven years. During his time, women were not allowed to hold any academic positions. Hilbert and Klein invited her to join the University of Gottingen's mathematical department in 1915, which had a significant impact on her research. It was one of the largest Universities that offer mathematical research worldwide. Emmy had the opportunity to be the lecturer and received approval in 1919.
Due to her interest in mathematics, Emmy became a leading member and a woman at Gottingen University. She was an appealing mathematician due to her gender and brought different individuals into her circle, including Van der Waerden. Waerden played a significant role for Emmy by exposing her ideas in the mathematical field (Rowe, 2021). Due to such exposition, Emmy was recognized as a substantial mathematical woman who positively contributed to abstract algebra. She was considered for the International Congress of Mathematicians due to her contribution to mathematics. Besides, the world recognized her algebraic acumen due to her gender. Many learners were used to male mathematicians, and it was strongly believed that women played a minimum role in mathematical discovery. Therefore, after realizing Emmy had the capacity, she was adequately supported by different organizations and Universities.
Emmy did not enjoy her position since many issues arose after the Nazis took control of Germany, and women started to be discriminated against in society. However, Emmy did not give up regardless of her gender and continued to pursue her interest. In 1933, Noether had to move to the United States due to the strict control of the Nazis (McLarty, 2017). The evidence from Noether indicates the challenges that the women mathematicians went through due to their gender. For instance, the Nazis dismissed all the Jews in different positions making Emmy lose her position. Therefore she moved to the United States, where she was offered an opportunity at Bryn Mawr College. During her stay in the college, she did not give up on mathematical research since she did it out of passion and not inducement. Due to her commitment and passion for mathematics, she became a highly respected woman who was focused and did not consider the typical arguments on women. Besides, she was accepted in the field due to her commitment to streamlining theoretical and practical ideologies. Most colleagues did not view her as a common woman but one with unique ideas in mathematics.
Noether's Contribution to Algebra
Noether is known for her comprehensive contribution to algebra. Women were taken as people who did not like technical courses such as mathematics. However, Noether is known to have broken this belief by working independently and passionately as a woman to improve algebraic equations. Noether's specific contribution was in abstract algebra. She focused on abstract thoughts in addressing algebraic work. Her thoughts made her embrace different mathematical ideologies. The contributions can be classified into three epochs. The first epoch occurred between 1907 and 1919, also known as relative dependence (Maths History., n.d.). The second epoch was between 1920 and 1926 and was based on general ideals theory. The last epoch was based on non-commutative algebra and how to present them using linea...
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