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Effects of Social Media on Business Enterprises and Consumers

Essay Instructions:

In this course you will conduct a mini study. You will survey 50 people through any method you choose to find out information on your topic. You will then calculate the statistics for your data. It is important to remember your mini study should use quantitative values since this is a statistics course so you can complete the required calculations. When you pick a topic, make sure it is something people are comfortable answering and that you only use adults. Complete this worksheet and then begin your survey once it is graded so that you can write up your results in Module 7. ItemDescription 1 State your topic 2 Who is the population for your claim? Justify your statement. 3 What question(s) will you ask in your survey to gather data on your claim? Explain the rationale for each question. 4 What variables will be in your study? What type of variable are they (ordinal, nominal, discrete, continuous, etc)? 5 Where will you post your survey and how will it reach your target population? (Facebook, email, in person, etc) 6 How will you collect your data? (Survey Monkey, Facebook Question, By hand/Excel, etc) 7 What type of sampling method will you use? Justify your choice and cite a reference supporting your decision. 8 What 2 types of graphs that you have learned about are the most appropriate for your data? Justify your statement and cite a reference supporting your decision. *Hint: think about if your data may have outliers, is quantitative, is categorical vs interval, etc. 9 What 8 descriptive statistics that you have learned about are the most appropriate for your data? Justify your statement and cite a reference supporting your decision. *Hint: think about if the data has outliers, is quantitative, is categorical vs interval, etc. *Note: if you have more than one survey question you can count statistics on EACH* Length/Formatting Instructions Length 2 Pages Font 12 point , Calibri Font, no more than 1" margins  HOMEWORK file:///C/Users/Anna%20Love/Documents/Module%204%20Assessment.html[8/16/2021 3:43:44 PM] Program/File TypeSubmit in Word Attachments Should be pasted into the Word document if possible. Referencing system APA referencing system is necessary in assignments, especially material copied from the Internet. For examples of correct citations, visit the following link: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/560/01/ File Name Last Name_ First Name_ MA260_ M4

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effects of Social Media on Business Enterprises and Consumers
The topic for the research study shall be the effects of social media on Business enterprises and consumers.
Social media plays a vital role in people and business organizations to ensure they are linked. It provides a platform that facilitates the promotion of the brand to the consumers. The study will therefore focus on various business organizations such as banks, restaurants, and supermarkets. The study will also be interested in the prospective consumer. It will focus on how business firms use social media to interact with their clients and vice versa. The target group will therefore entail few selected business enterprises and their prospective customers. The research study will focus on a target group of not less than fifty individuals to be interviewed.
The research study will focus on two separate sets of questions. The first set is drafted to be responded to by the managers and owners of the selected business organization. The consumers will answer the other group.
Set one question meant for business entities:
* Has social media improved your business marketing operations?
The rationale of the question is to determine the positive impact social media has on various business organizations.
* Does your business use social media for marketing your products? If so, which platform does your organization prefer?
The question is meant to aid researchers in understanding the various platforms preferred by institutions to conduct marketing of their products.
* Are there any challenges experienced when using social media to market your products?
Despite social media being frequented by many individuals and organizations, it has its shortcomings too. Some business organizations' negative publicity from social media has dramatically affected some businesses negatively, leading to their downfall. Therefore, the question is to enable the researcher to identify challenges faced by business organizations when using social media.
* Does your business respond to customers' complaints from social media platforms?
The rationale of the question is to establish how prompt different businesses are when responding to customers' complaints raised through social media. Complaints from the customers illustrate the feedback from the consumer. It is therefore critical for the enterprise to respond to any critique that may tarnish its reputation.
Set two questions meant for consumers:
* Has social media influenced your choice of products from various business organizations?
The question aids the researcher in determining the effectiveness of business enterprises using social media. Social media, as discussed earlier, links consumers and business organizations in various ways. The researcher will therefore be able to establish the influence social media has on different consumers.
* Have you ever complained about a product through social media? If so, was the complaint addressed?
The questions establish how the consumer gives feedback about the product they consume from different organizations. It seeks to help understand how consumers voice their grievances once they are dissatisfied by-products from a particular organization. The researcher also gets to know whether consumers' plight aired on social media are addressed promptly.
* How many hours do you spend on social media in a day? Less 3hrs, 3hrs, 6hrs, 9hrs, more than 9hrs.
It is vital to understand consumer patterns in terms of the use of social media. The question is meant to enable the researcher to identify the consumer's time spent on social media. The information allows for determining the worth of businesses in using social media to market their products.
The study will be quantitative. The target population will be randomly selected. Even though, the study will ensure that all business organizations and the consumers within the society are well represented. The approach picked will help develop a better and detailed understanding of the information collected. The information gathered shall be analyzed concerning the research questions raised above.
The target population for...
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